Tuesday, October 18, 2016

October 18 - Touch Your Spirit

Here are my touchstones.  I added my bracelets 2 weeks ago and had to take them to the top of Stone Mountain to get energized by my ancestors.

I have always liked rocks.  So these crystals and crystal bracelets bring a smile to my face.  I am learning now what they mean and what they help on an energy level.  Also I love to hold them and rub them. So calming.  I picked out my bracelets and my crystals purposely.  I like the fact they are all mines.  What I specifically picked out.  Not something I was given.

If you look back at a later posting you will see a posting where I took an Aura picture at a wellness seminar. Before I ever knew about crystals and bracelets I was using a Vibe Cloth.  My Vibe Cloth came from when I was in DC and my Sister took me to an African dance class they wore Lapas.  It was love at first sight.  I wore it all the time.  On my hips, on my head, as a halter etc. Then one day by accident I noticed that when I took a nap and used it for my cover I felt energized and ready to go back and run the 2nd bootcamp of the day.

Fast forward to today I still use my my Lapa during my 4 AM meditations.  I lay it across my eyes. The one I used across my whole body is now hole worn.  I still keep it on my pillow for old times sake.  My new lapa I got a few years ago and I use that across my eyes when I meditate.  Or whenever I feel not centered I put it across my eyes, rest and I am re-centered.

Combined with my crystals, my crystal bracelets and my lapas  I TOUCH MY SPIRIT.  Whenever I forget that I am a "spiritual being having a human experience" they lead me back to my original self.  They remind me that there is more.  No matter how distant I feel from myself at times - they always bring me HOME.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

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