Tuesday, December 29, 2015

December 29

For me it's not other outside people - it's family.
That is my weakness.

God has recently helped me look in the mirror and work through the pressure I feel from my family relationships.  It has not been an easy journey.  I had to see how I actually fit into everyone's life and where I did not have boundaries.
I'm still new to this insight.
I am glad I have it.
The most important thing to me in the world is my spiritual life.  I 100% believe that I am a "Spiritual being having a Human experience"... By the time I stumbled upon this quote I was already committed to this mindset.  I just didn't understand how to walk the path.  Since that awareness I have been lead to different books, podcast, spiritual leaders by the way of Super Soul Sunday. I have gone to a Health and Wellness Expo where I was exposed to an Aura camera and HU meditation.  To be in a room with people who had different spiritual businesses. It was amazing.

The more information I get about my spiritual life; the easier it is to ignore the perceived pressure and the actual pressure I feel.  The 2nd gift of no more pressure is the freedom I have now to pursue my spiritual growth.  With no pressure I'm more open to my spiritual life...

And that is PRICELESS

Do you have a  'PRESSURE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Monday, December 28, 2015

December 28

My favorite song used to be Everyday I'm Hustlin'.  I loved how Katt Williams came out to that song.  And I sung it at the top of my lungs until.....

Until I learned that my LIFE/DESTINY/PURPOSE is for me.  It's not a hustle; it's not a fight.
All that makes it seems like I am trying to get something that isn't mines instead of embracing and walking in my PURPOSE that no one else can have.

I was listening to a broadcast today on NPR and it was about Faith and Belief. The difference. Anyone can believe however; Faith is what it takes for your Belief to be activated; for you to walk out your beliefs you have to have FAITH.

You are never ever going to know everything about your DESTINY because you are creating as you go along. Whatever you are creating never existed before thus you will never ever know.

Invest in yourself no matter if you know all the steps in the process or not.  You are more than worth it. There is no right or wrong way in your DESTINY.  Spending time in your spiritual practice ensures you can hear your PURPOSE/DESTINY directing you; guiding  you.

Do you have an  'INVEST IN YOURSELF' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, December 27, 2015

December 27

So we all know we are " Spiritual being having a human experience"..

With that knowledge it's up to us to define our spiritual practice so we can use all our experiences for growth.

For me that means:  Meditation, Yoga, Running, Healthy eating and spending time reading and researching my beliefs along with following other spiritual leaders.  In addition having time with The Triangle - 3 spiritual women who I trust to bounce things off of and who keep me straight as I encounter different things in my life. All these things combined assist me in my spiritual growth.

Take some time to look at your spiritual practices.  Are they aiding you in your growth?  If not look around and see what things you can add to your self-study that will get you to where you desire to be spiritually.  In the end your spiritual practice and growth is the foundation for your Spiritual business. They go hand in hand; you can not assist clients in their healing process if you are not healing yourself.

Do you have a  'SPIRITUAL GROWTH PROCESS' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, December 26, 2015

December 26

Have you heard the story of the Little Engine that could?

That is your Spiritual Life - I think I can, I think I can...

You just keep going and never give  up.

If you invest in your Spiritual health then you will be able to internalize how Powerful you really are.  Because you are living in Human form it makes sense for you to have doubt and unbelief.  As you find what nurtures your spirit and aids in  your spiritual growth you will be able to navigate those times when you just don't see the vision the ONE who created you has for your life.

It is all a process.

No matter what LIFE shows you about yourself.



Do you have a  'POWERFUL' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Friday, December 25, 2015

December 25


#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, December 24, 2015

December 24

You are worth it!

The time it takes to become the person you were created to be.

Opposition to you changing never means you should not change; it always means the human world we live in has ZERO understanding that you are a SPIRITUAL Being.
Instead of seeking understanding from people; invest all of your effort in understanding yourself.

Once you understand that you are a  SPIRITUAL being you will see the ups and downs - perceived negatives and positives as simply LESSONS.  The caterpillar does not question why it has to go into a cocoon. When it's time for it's metamorphosis it's time.

The only thing that makes any of this journey make any sense is once you understand you have to change.  It becomes everything that drives you.  Your PURPOSE/DESTINY is calling for you.

All you have to do is go into your cocoon and let the ONE who created you do the rest!

Welcome to your TRUE SELF...

Do you have a  'YOU ARE WORTH IT' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

December 23

It may seem in your current situation you would change it right now if you could and that is normal. After all who wants to go through a hard time?

Now for a moment think back to another hard time.
Did you get through it?
What lessons did you learn?
Would you trade the knowledge you gained about yourself from that situation?

Each of us has a choice.

Whatever is going on in your life you can define it as a Negative or a Positive or you can simply see it all as a LESSON.  The world reflecting back to you how you really walk in this world and experience the world. Once your eyes are open then you are available to the Spirit to change and grow.

Remember LIFE is FOR YOU.
Everything you are experiencing can be used as a LESSON - an opportunity for you to GROW and gain much needed INSIGHT.

Do you have a  'CHANGE NOW' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe    #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

December 22

This can be a tough one.
How do you believe the unbelievable and how is the unbelievable possible?
If  you think with your human mind then what your destiny holds for you will always be impossible.
When you think with your Spiritual mind; nothing is IMPOSSIBLE.

For me I usually get caught up on the details.  If I don't know exactly - VIRGO - how something is going to happen down to the second; then don't count me in.  This is ok for some part of my spiritual journey however; God knows better than I do and there are just some things He can't allow me to know.

When I find myself stalled because I don't know what is next; that's when I have to remind myself that there is always something I can be doing - even when I don't know the whole plan for my life.  Example:  Am I doing my daily meditation?  Am I eating healthy? Am I working out?  Am I posting on my blog daily? All these things are part of my Destiny.  All of these things will be helpful to me in the future when the fullness of my Destiny is revealed to me.

In closing - lets not forget FAITH. All things are possible! It's up to me to have the FAITH to manifest all the possibles...

Do you have an  'IMPOSSIBLE/POSSIBLE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, December 21, 2015

December 21

It's hard to admit that you are standing in the way of your own Change.  After all you are trying so hard to change. How could it be?  FEAR of FAILURE. That's all it is.  You are in the process of CREATING a LIFESTYLE for yourself.  And that unknown factor can cause you to protect yourself and put your guard up even with YOURSELF. 

Can you say "Man in the Mirror"?

When you sincerely start to work on yourself and no matter how hard it is; that is when you will become your own enemy.  You will see the human part of yourself not wanting to give way to your spiritual growth.  The challenging thing is the resistance will come in the form of what is near and dear to you. You will find yourself in situations where you question why you even chose this journey.  The awareness and understanding that you usually have will seem to be inadequate in your current situation.  

This is the only way that you are going to grow.  It is impossible for you to see who you really are and what you really believe in if LIFE does not present you with those opportunities of self reflection and mirroring off the people around you.  

Remember no matter what you learn about yourself; it is something you need to know to be fully aware and operating in your gift/purpose/destiny/truth.

Do you have a  'YOU AS AN ENEMY' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20

Working on yourself is like eating your vegetables - for instance Cauliflower; whatever veggie makes you say YUCK - just fill in the blank.

It is hard to look in the mirror and take account of your flaws and decide to work on those issues.  It's even harder to listen to the feed back from those who know you and work on those issues.

Let's face it; we are in the help business and being on our side of the couch is better - safer.
What makes you keep working on yourself even though what you see and learn is painful?
For me I would never help another person if my life wasn't in a process of changing.  How can I encourage another person to open up and tell me everything when I am not willing to do the same thing? I believe the first call is to heal yourself.  You are called to be the person you were created to be. That call begins your journey. Along that journey you may find that your gift is helping people. That gift never takes the place of working on yourself. You can always help people while you are working on yourself; it is important that you don't mistake being able to help people as you have arrived. That you have healed all your issues. If you don't continue your spiritual work you will find the ego taking over and leading you further and further away from your spiritual self.

After being accountable to yourself; invite a few people in your life that you can be accountable to.  Allow yourself to be transparent so you can heal and grow completely.

Do you have an  'OTHER PEOPLE FIRST' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

December 19

We all have heard " what you seek is seeking you".

Also, "when the student it ready; the teacher will appear".

So when you feel like you are far away from yourself just start the journey.

Just start going in the direction of your change.  You don't have to know the specifics - just start.  As you set yourself into motion how and why may not necessarily be revealed to you however; a level of peace will come to you.  Because your journey is a series of processes the uncertainty will be there at every phase.  It is up to you to do the Spiritual work so you can navigate those times when it seems you are so far from anything you recognize.

Another affirmation is:  "Let go and let God".
Easy to say; hard to do.  It's like jumping off a cliff and knowing that God will catch you. You can't do that unless you spend time with the ONE who created you.  If you are spending time doing your spiritual work then you will be stuck at the jump point. How can you jump and believe you will be caught if you don't even know who will catch you.

It is easy in the help field to transfer your openness to help other people to your own journey.  It is always easier to assist someone with their own issues than it is for you to have that same self-reflection.  The ability to help another person is because you are on the outside looking in.  You can see things that they can't because they are in the mist of their issue. The same is true for you.  It is impossible for you to see your issues clearly; you will be defensive against yourself.  You need that other person and/or people to reflect back to you just how you are moving in this world. That is where your lessons that lead to your spiritual growth come from.

In the end; believe that you will never be far enough away from yourself that you can't get back.

Do you have a  'LOST' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, December 18, 2015

December 18

My best advice is to invest in yourself - even before your practice/business.

I had no idea over 20 years ago that I would be in the Spiritual/Health and Wellness Field.
In fact if you had approached me back then and told me I would be here now you would have gotten cursed out.  I started this journey because I felt like the ONE who created me said for me to turn from my old ways.  I was so afraid at the time; I agreed to change.  I didn't know how and I didn't understand what change really was for a long long time. I simply was afraid to continue doing the same foul stuff I was doing prior to hearing from the ONE who created me.  In fact as self-centered as I was at the time it was crazy to ever think I would have my Bachelors in Psychology with a specialization in Life Coach.

Still with all that, the most important thing is for me to take care of myself so my gift can operate through a clear channel. I have moments where I get so invested in helping clients, family or friends that I am distracted from my own spiritual growth. I am grateful to have my TRIANGLE who keep me on track. It's good to have a few close people to be accountable to. People who are not afraid to speak up when they see you slipping.

Moral of the story if you find yourself being more caught up in everyone else then you need to take a closer look at what is going on in your life. What is really happening that you are running away?  Remember change is hard. Looking in the mirror and changing is harder; having people who you reflect off of around you is the hardest. It is all meant for your good. The SPIRIT wants you to grow.

Everything is just a LESSON. An OPPORTUNITY for your GROWTH(Spiritual).

Do you have a  'SELF-DECEPTIONstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, December 17, 2015

December 17

Do you find yourself doing more for other people than you do for yourself.

Do you find you are willing to go out of your way for others however; when it comes to you there is always an excuse.

The reality of the situation is that you are in the mist of your growth while you are helping others using your gift.  It may appear that helping someone is easier however; it is not.  Their situation is just as dire as your situation it only seems different because you are the coach.

The energy and concern you put into your clients issues is the same energy and concern you have to put into your situation..

Remember Hard does not mean QUIT!

Do the work on yourself. There are NO PASSES.

Do you have a  'HARD/QUITstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

December 16

Ouch! Storm girl, what were you thinking that day?

Truth hurts - right?

We have all heard "Know Thyself" well this is what it takes to be able to fulfill your destiny and not live your life according to other people.  Anytime you look up a "great person" they have gone through  a time where they have made decisions that others who previously supported them did not agree with.  Each person had to have something within themselves that kept them on their path.  It will not always be easy and the closer you get to walking in your truth the more the push back will come from those closest to you. There will come a day where you will have to choose between walking in your true self and doing and being what others want you to be and do.

Remember all this is part of your growth/lesson. There is no getting around it.  Each opposition to your growth is an opportunity to understand yourself more. To see what really drives you and motivates you. It flushes out the weak parts of yourself and forces you to see if you really believe in your destiny.

Your destiny is for you.  Your PURPOSE wants to manifest and it can not be stopped...

Unless you give up!

Do you have a  'KNOW THYSELFstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

December 15

There is nothing like being FREE.
FREE to be yourself.
FREE to make your own choices and decisions.
FREE to walk out your Spiritual TRUTHS.

Have you seen the movie MATRIX?  All 3?
To me it is like that; how each person just goes along in life on a mindless PATH.
Then something happens to awaken you; and after you are awaken it is your choice to 1. Stay awaken and 2.  Grow in your awaken state.

If you choose to stay awake and grow then this is your FREEDOM.  This is the opportunity for you to be who you were created to be.  Freedom is a state of mind. You don't have to go out and quit your job, sell all your things and go off the grid.  You can be FREE wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

Stay with your SPIRITUAL lessons.
Continue to invest more and more time in your spiritual growth/practice.


Do you have a  'FREEDOMstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, December 14, 2015

December 14

Shortcuts are never shortcuts!

It is so tempting to ignore part of yourself to get to where you think you want to be.
In the end it is not.

The growth is in the lesson.  If you skip any part of the lesson you will not get the proper growth.  Your foundation will be weaken.  The walls will be warped.

To make any changes in your physical you must address it through your mental, spiritual and emotional gateways.  All the pieces fit together and work together.  If you fix you outside through your inside then you have the right foundation to build your physical on.  Any changes you want to make comes from transforming the inside FIRST.

Remember it is all a process.

If you miss it one time; try again.

Keep working on yourself.

You are WORTH it!

Do you have a  'MENTAL, SPIRITUAL, EMOTIONAL AND PHYSICALstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, December 13, 2015

December 13

News flash.

People are usually not FOR you. And the more you pursue your PURPOSE the fewer people will be around you.  People will start to tell you the pitfalls of what you are trying to do. Why you should or should not do what you are doing. They will act like they are the authority on the subject.  Remember that people are usually acting out of FEAR.  Somewhere in their lives they have done something and failed or wanted to do something and were too afraid. Then here you come all excited about where your spirit is leading you and they get caught up in it; just like it were them.

Remember God/Universe will bring the right people in your life who will support you and at times the spirit will give you the strength to make it through situations by yourself.  Either way you will be alright.

Last year August 18, 2014 I left my counseling job.  I'd worked hard to get my degree in 2 years instead of 4.  I walked past the people who said I would never get a counseling job without a Masters.  I did all of that so it was really hard for me to leave. I knew spiritually I could not do the job anymore however; at the time I didn't have the money in the bank nor another job to leave to. so I kept pushing myself.  Finally with my spirit worn down I walked away.  It was not scary at the time because I had everything.  When I started losing things and it came time that I could not pay for my apartment anymore it got critical.  I got a part time job in October and then I got hired for a full time job that started in December. All of that did not matter because I needed money NOW!  Even with everything I was losing I knew I'd done the right thing.  I had to sale all my furniture; put the rest of my things in storage and move to a hotel.  I would move from hotel to hotel every day or every few days. I continued to work 2 jobs and believe God had a plan for me.  After about 6 weeks I got a beautiful place at the beach and was able to quit my part time job a few months later.

Fast forward to today and I have been at my job over 1 year and my spiritual growth has been through the roof.  I had to heal from a lot of issues and had a lot of growth moments.  At times it all seemed too painful however; I am so glad I  took that U-Turn and got my life back on my spiritual track.  Now I was able to walk out my spiritual study and growth - I had room for that in my life.

Now, I am not telling you to go out and quit your job.  I am giving you an example of how my life went.  It is up to you to put in the time and work with whoever created you and your gift to know exactly what you need to do in your life.

All I can say; IT'S WORTH IT!

Do you have a  'PERSON IN YOUR LIFE CHANGEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, December 12, 2015

December 12

Funny this should be today's affirmation.

I was lamenting this past week about not being able to help one of my children.  She said she didn't feel like she could talk to me  - or anyone.  Let me just say you can not Life Coach your family; even it they ask you to.  I know my daughter is aware of her spiritual gift and this is just her journey.  I have to respect her boundaries as a Mother and as a fellow spiritual being.

It took me a long time to be able to talk about what was really bothering me; so I do understand.  I eventually found a really good Therapist and was able to open up to her.  After an even longer time I began to realize I was making it worse by not addressing my issues head on. The FEAR was worse than the actual issue.  I was so afraid to talk about what really hurt me for fear that it would overcome me and I would not be strong enough to get back up.  It was better to just focus on something else and let everybody think I was this mean, angry person.  My angry outburst kept anyone from getting too close and it worked until.....it didn't.

When you are ready to address the real issues in your life the ONE who created you will send a person to be your support while you transition.

In the meantime stay encouraged!

Help is on the way.

Do you have a  'COVER UPstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, December 11, 2015

December 11

It's so easy to hide from your problems by helping other people.

We have all seen the headlines where people we admire get taken down by some pretty basic stuff:  sex, affairs, over eating, shopping addiction or relationships with their friends and family that are toxic and they still get caught up in them.

Remember your gift started when you invested in your spiritual self.  You connected with your spirit and then you began investing in your spiritual self. For me that is: meditating, working out, reading and watching spiritual material, studying, self reflection by keeping a journal -video and/or writing and making myself accountable/transparent to the Triangle (A spiritual group I belong to).

Continue to be true to your spiritual practice even as your client base increases. People are sent to you by the ONE who created you.  If the ONE can't trust you with yourself then how can you be trusted to help people.  Why would you want to help people with "do what I say; not as I do"?  Why would you want to invest any time helping anyone more than you help yourself? I believe now that you can still be in the mist of your transition and healing and still be great in your gift.

It is all about balance.

Take some time to re-evaluate your spiritual practice. If you find you have gotten away from some of them; recommit.

Do you have an  'INVEST IN YOURSELF/GIFTstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, December 10, 2015

December 10

I can think of a few times since 2005/2006 up to 2014 that I just blew it.
I made the wrong decisions based on false sense of loyalty, emotions and yes - LOVE.
It seems the more  I tried to make the right decisions things just did not work out.  I beat myself up all the time for it especially as I'm poised to launch the rest of my Life Coach business - my 2nd business. (www.gotbootcamp.com).

In fact just today even though I know better I was feeling kinda defeated about some hospital bills I incurred after I was hit from behind.  Through no fault of my own I have this debt and I can't believe the lawyers/insurance did not take care of it.  I can't believe the hospital settled and I still owe.

My Spirit is wonderful; as I went through my FB today I saw so many positive, encouraging affirmations that it lifted me and I was like fine.  Now I know what I need to do and when the door opens I'll have a game plan.  I put the hospital bills to the side and jumped on my BLOG.

If you put my 1st business in a nutshell; I lived without utilities and only ate sometimes.  I put my SOUL into my business.  I was always doing something to get that next contact.  What I have gone through with this business is nothing.  I have to remember to remind myself that I - under inspiration from the ONE who created me - created a company on my sick bed when the doctor told me I would never walk again.  I didn't know  anything about a business proposal; after pitching my first contract the VP asked for a copy of it because he was so impressed.

At the end of the day I got myself into the situations I have found myself in and no matter how bad and low I feel; I am the only one who can get myself out.  It takes my whole self:  Physical, Mental, Spiritual and Emotional -  to get me out.

Whenever you feel down; remember those times when you felt the same way; and YOU got yourself out.


Do you have an  'ALL OF YOUstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

December 9

Sometimes it can be scary when you finally start to get your open door(s).

Depending on how long you have been on your journey; the excitement of the door or doors opening is one thing and actually walking through the door(s) is another.

During your slow moments is an important time for you to connect spiritually with the ONE who created you so you will be able to move by your spirit and not have the FEAR.  What is being created in your life has never existed for you before so it is normal to have some reservations - even fear however; to allow fear to stop you is another.

Remember no matter how many people you help you are still growing. The door(s) that are opening for you are more expansions to your gift.

Embrace your open door(s)!

Do you have a  'FEAR OF BEING YOUstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

December 8

It's all a process.

No matter how excited you get or what you believe can happen.
It has to happen in order - one step at a time. (Figuratively)

When the struggle comes rest in knowing that you are attached to your Destiny and it will guide you through each step.  Destiny will make sure that even when you can't take a step you will still be on track. Your Destiny wants you to walk in it.  You can not miss your Destiny.

Only if you QUIT!

Do you have a  'NEXT STEPstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, December 7, 2015

December 7

In helping everyone else remember to take care yourself.

You have to take time out to rejuvenate you Mental, Spiritual and Emotional parts.

Your gift is a wonderful thing.  It's easy to get caught up in helping people and not keeping up with your meditation, yoga, workout, eating healthy or whatever you do when you are nurturing yourself.

There will always be someone who needs you right now. An email or phone call you have to read or take right now. There will always be an opportunity that seems to the once in a life time - always!

Remember your gift belongs to the one who created you and gave you the gift.  You have a big responsibility to take care of yourself while you help others.  There can be no other way. As soon as you give too much of yourself and don't respect yourself you will notice things start to creep in and take you outside of your spiritual connect.

There is always someone else ready to help any person you can not help. Each person is lead to the person they are supposed to be helped by. If it is not you then it is someone.

Take care of yourself.  Enjoy your gift.

Do you have a  'MENTAL, SPIRITUAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTHstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, December 6, 2015

December 6


I started meditating a few years ago.
It was hard to start and on some days it was just a big joke.
Slowly but surely the meditation started to work.
I was able to do 5 minutes and now I am up to 1 hour everyday.
I even have my alarm set for 4 am so I can start.
Again it was a process for me to set my alarm that early knowing I had to be up 2 hours later for work.
I hate knowing what time it is when I wake up during the middle of the night because I stay awake.

There were all type of issues and reasons not to meditate.

I can really tell the difference during the day.
Things that used to bother me so much do not.  I am able to stay in touch with my spiritual side more.
It's like standing outside of  yourself and looking in.  I see where I would have reacted to a certain situation negatively and caused more trouble for myself. Now that I am meditating, the peace is easier to obtain even in those stressful moments.

I tried out several different meditation apps.  I have three downloaded to my phone and of the three I use 2 of them regularly.

Try it for yourself!

Do you have a  'PEACEFUL PLACEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, December 5, 2015

December 5

I have 2 oils that I mix and wear daily.
I love the smell.  It reminds me of my spiritual self.
It gives me the extra push during the day to remind me I am more than that moment that is challenging for me.

Around my home I organize my furniture and things around my home to speak to my spirit.  I burn the oil in my home.  I have my 'VIBE CLOTHS' that I sleep with.  And of course who can forget playing your music.  I also listen to different spiritual programs off and on.

I wear locs so at different times I wrap my hair and wear my African clothing. I have been thinking about doing a spiritual quest where I wear white everyday.  I also always wear silver jewelry - rings and a bracelet.

Enjoy making your life speak spiritually in the things you surround yourself with.

Do you have an  'ADD TO YOUR SPIRITstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4

Change still may be challenging at times and you may never get used to it fully however; you will be familiar with change coming your way. It will no longer make you have a good or bad day.  It will simply be your Lesson and your time to Grow.

Think natural process.

It's just the way things are.

You are seeing there is a Bigger Picture to your life.

And that becomes your desire; to have that Spiritual life.

Do you have a  'NESTING/CHANGE story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, December 3, 2015

December 3

It's just hard; there is no way to sugar coat the situation.

Being a Spiritual Being is wonderful on one hand however; the Lessons/Growth Process is constant and at times it may be a painful overload. Up sometimes. Down sometimes.  On some days you will glory in being a Spiritual Being and all excited about your Journey/Transition. On other days it will be all you can do to keep your ID/EGO at bay during your lesson.  

The key is to not give up.

Everything you are experiencing is part of your Growth.  Everything is a Lesson. Everything is an opportunity for you to take your growth to the next level.  

Yes, it's a process.

Yes, it is possible.

It's your Destiny.

Do you have an  'UP AND DOWN story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

December 2

Things are going to happen along your journey that you don't understand.
Your spirit is there to guide you.

When your spirit prompts you to look closer at your true feelings then this is an opportunity to be true to yourself.  Face what you really want and ask the Spirit to lead you and guide you in the direction you are supposed to go in.

It is normal to doubt and have moments of unbelief.
The spirit expects that to happen.
Part of your growth is to doubt - to ask questions.
To take the reins at different times and go your own way. Your destiny is tied to your spirit. You can not separate from it. You can mute the call of your spirit by adding superficial things to your life however; they will never fill that void.

You were created to be who you are now.

When the spirit questions you - ANSWER.

Do you have a  'SPIRIT CALLS story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1

At first I changed because the ONE who created me said it was time.

I didn't know how or what I was doing other than I had to stop what I was doing and do something different.
Somewhere along the way I started to expect something out of my changing.  I expected to have the people I wanted back in my life the way I wanted them to be.  I expected my life to be better.

Neither of those things happened. The only thing that changed was my eyesight.  God allowed me to see that I loved Him and I would never leave Him; and He would never leave me.

God gave me something better than my expectation; He sealed Himself in my heart so I could see that I was a Spiritual Being.

This revelation is my greatest Happiness.

With all the pain and heartache I am grateful I changed. And I am still changing. I live to Change. To Grow. To manifest my full Destiny.

Do you have a  'HAPPINESSstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30

Even though you are Spiritual Being in transition you will still have days that you just can't see past the issues in front of you.  You know all the affirmations to say however; you just can't pull it together.

You are still HUMAN. You are not immune to Life.
Yes, it is your LESSON but today feels like a Negative and no sight of GROWTH.

It's ok to have days like these.  You don't have to always tackle every ISSUE.  There are smaller things that present themselves - you can work on those.  It's no shame in it.  This is a process - a moment in your journey.

Stay encouraged.

Do you have a  'WORK AROUNDstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA