Monday, November 30, 2015

November 30

Even though you are Spiritual Being in transition you will still have days that you just can't see past the issues in front of you.  You know all the affirmations to say however; you just can't pull it together.

You are still HUMAN. You are not immune to Life.
Yes, it is your LESSON but today feels like a Negative and no sight of GROWTH.

It's ok to have days like these.  You don't have to always tackle every ISSUE.  There are smaller things that present themselves - you can work on those.  It's no shame in it.  This is a process - a moment in your journey.

Stay encouraged.

Do you have a  'WORK AROUNDstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November 29

It is impossible to know the things you have to CHANGE to be the Spiritual Being you were created to be. You only see yourself through human eyes.  And to see your own faults at their true depth can not be done without someone to reflect off of.

Change is going to happen if you seek your true calling in life.  You have to transition from your Human thought process to your Spiritual thought process.

Commitment to your CHANGE no matter what you have to CHANGE is the key to your transition. The closer you get to your Spiritual truths the harder your lessons may seem.  It is important to remember no matter the pain you feel in what is revealed to you; it is still only a LESSON.  A necessary revelation for your GROWTH.

Your Destiny/PURPOSE is showing you the way.  The path is created by the CHANGES you have to make to see your way along your journey.  Only you can get your LESSONS.  No one else can take your place or bear the brunt of your LESSON.  You have to commit to the process no matter the confusion that may enter your heart. The LESSONS are not meant for your demise; they are meant for your GROWTH.

Do you have a  'COMMITMENT TO CHANGEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28

There are 2 hard things about changing. Well 3.

First you have to know that you need to change.
Second you have to take the steps to change
And finally you have to stay committed to changing no matter what Life gives you.

Once you get past all that you have to have the HUNGER to CHANGE.
This means you see past the issues that are after all only LESSONS and stages of your GROWTH.
You may be bothered by the issues however; you don't let them stop you - maybe slow you down sometimes - never stop.

It is tough at times to be HUNGRY for your CHANGE when it means you have to let go of things you love and you may have to take on things you don't like.  You have to take a good look in the mirror to see your own flaws along with having them pointed out to you by those around you.  You have to not respond back when your mirror reflects the REAL YOU through those around you.  You simply take in all in and ask whoever made you to help you see these things as a LESSON and not something to HURT you.

Everything that comes your way is part of the process.
Your Destiny/Purpose can not be changed or stopped - only by you if you QUIT.

Do you have a  'HUNGRY FOR CHANGE'story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, November 27, 2015

November 27

Do you have a  THANKFUL'story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November 26


Learn about your Passion.
Go to places that have events about your Passion.
Research and meet people who are living their Passion.
Immerse yourself in your New Life.

There are many moving parts to your Purpose/Destiny.  Some may be clear and some unclear however; you can still learn all you can.

When I first learned about meditating I thought it was crazy.
My mind had to keep running.  I had to be on my grind.  I had to hustle everyday.  I had to...or did I?
By meditating it calmed me. It helped me get through the rest of my day more in sync to my Spiritual self.  It gave me the strength to walk my Journey instead of run off my path.  It helped me remember to be patient.  Meditating does not come easy or quickly.  I built myself up to 1 hour each morning from 4 AM - 5 AM.  I still give myself an out; if my mind refuses to yield then I just stop.

Your Destiny is not looking for a perfect or flawed person.  Your Destiny is here to give you your lessons so  you grow into the Spiritual Being you were created to be.  You called all things to you  in your life as LESSONS.

Do you have a  'LIFESTYLE CHANGE'story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November 25

Remember to DREAM.
Sometimes in trying to make it through the day to day challenges of understanding your PURPOSE you can forget to DREAM.

Remember your DESTINY is looking for you.  It is looking to express itself through every opportunity. In DREAMING you get to see the pieces, explore different options on your path.  You get to learn the inside and other hidden truths along your path.

There is no right or wrong way.
The ideas that come to you are spiritual in nature.
Dreaming opens you to your spiritual messages.

It is an exciting time.
Uncovering the steps of your PURPOSE.

Your DESTINY awaits.

Do you have a  'DREAM story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November 24

In this help business many will come your way.

You have to make sure to take care of yourself just as well as you take care of others.
Your gift is not a way of escape.  The issues that come forward in your life are your lessons.  You can not hide from your Lesson.

Allow your life to be livde in front of the people you seek to help. A true healer has issues and ills just like the people they help. The key is not in being a Spiritual Being with no growth left; it's being a Spiritual Being who realizes the GROWTH is in the LESSON.

You will be who you were created to be as long as you don't quit.
The lessons you learn in your own life can be used sometimes as you help others.
There will be some who refuse your help because they see the Human Being you are instead of the Spiritual Being you really are.  People who are not supposed to be with you will always reject you for one reason or another.  This too is a LESSON; an opportunity to GROW.

Stay true to your PURPOSE/DESTINY everything will come to pass.

Do you have an  'INVEST IN YOURSELF story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23

You have to love yourself in order to follow your PURPOSE.  You have to love yourself to hear what your PURPOSE/DESTINY is.  In order to heal yourself you have to love yourself.

To shore yourself up against the many challenges during your Journey you have to love yourself. It does not matter what other people say about you - whether they believe in your purpose or not; all that matters is that you believe in yourself and on those rough days the love you have for yourself will be your strength.

Your DESTINY is waiting for you.
Love yourself to continue to reveal your path - your TRUTH.

Do you have a  'JEWEL LOVEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November 22

It will happen.

You will have the life your DESTINY planned for you.

The life you want is only IMPOSSIBLE if you believe you are only a Human being however; it is POSSIBLE if you live your life as a SPIRITUAL being.

We have all heard the quote "Patience is a virtue..." It is one thing to say it and another thing to walk it out.  The key is to remember whether  you are actively in your Journey or at a standstill to stay true.

Remember if you keep STILL during those trying moments you will be able to receive your lessons and grow.  If you fight during these times then you will miss your lesson and delay your growth.

It will happen.

You will CHANGE.

Do you have a  'POSSIBLE/IMPOSSIBLE story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, November 21, 2015

November 21

My life is already much better than it was last year.(2014)
I'm at a job I enjoy and it leaves me enough of myself to work on my Passion - Life Coach.
As great as things are there are still things I feel like I either want or need or both for the picture to be complete.

What stumps me is being attached to the outcome.  I see my life as having to come together a certain way and it just does not work like that.  When I look back 3 years I knew my business was poised to go to the next level and then the bottom fell out of my personal life.  Looking at it now it was the best thing that ever happened to me.  Of course I didn't think that then; I was scrambling trying to keep everything together.  The reason it was the best thing that happened is because my eyes were opened.  I reached a new spiritual level that I see now is necessary for my Life Coach business.  I am so grateful for this level of awareness - as painful as it was at times.  I am grateful not only for myself but also for my clients.  The insight I have now will be more beneficial in assisting me in helping them during their Journey.

If my life was like a game show and what happened to me during the last 3 years was a selection behind door number 1, 2 or 3; I would never have picked it. It's hard to pick such a painful event without knowing the outcome.  And that is why I say to not be attached to it.  What may appear as the worse option God may be using that exact pain for a growth moment.

I joke all the time that I am glad my business did not take off like I wanted it to because I would be sending out a lot of apology notes to my clients taking back what I'd just told them.  I want to be the best for myself and for the people that God allows to come in my life to help.  My gift is bigger than my EGO. It is bigger than my personal issues.  Iyanla Vanzant showed us all in her apology to Oprah and her book Peace from Broken Pieces that God can use you at any stage of your CHANGE.

So today's lesson is:  Don't be attached to the outcome!

Do you have an  'ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, November 20, 2015

November 20

Stepped on my own toes on this one.
Wow! I'm still a student of this lesson.

I know I have my PURPOSE/DESTINY and I'm in my Journey now however; I can't help but want my loved ones to believe in me and my PURPOSE.  And it just has not happened at the level I hoped it would.  Maybe that is the way it is supposed to be; if I had all the belief maybe my drive would not be so intense to be who God called me to be.

I do hate how when I talk to someone close to me and  I try to explain the unexplainable all they can see is the Human part of me - not the Spiritual part.  I'm judged by my Human frailty, flaws and poor choices vs a Spiritual being who is learning.

I had a nice talk today with an old friend and as we recounted the past I had an Aha Moment.  I saw in all the flaws and perceived wrongs that God was working His MASTER plan.  I called it the GREATER GOOD.  All I can say, it was as if a layer of scales were shed from my eyes during that conversation and God allowed me a peek at His Plan and it was as if a great weight was lifted off my shoulders.  Like a little bit more of HOPE was given to me.  It also humbled me; and acted like a mirror for me.  It reminded me that in my flaws is where God is - He is PERFECT and I am just an imperfect being that HE works through and it's because of my flaws - Humanness - that I can be used.

The true challenge is regardless of anyone supporting me, I am able to continue my Journey; live my TRUTH. Thrive in my Purpose/Destiny.

Do you have a  'MOVED BY PEOPLE story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November 19

You will still live if you don't pursue your Purpose; if you never walk 1 day in your Destiny..You will still LIVE.  Thrive?  Not so much.

Life and Death is in your decision to CHANGE.
It's not in the success of your day to day life - it's that you don't QUIT.
Even during those times you feel like you are not making any progress and you made a Left when you should have made a RIGHT - as long as you don't quit; that is all that matters.

Your PURPOSE/DESTINY is seeking you; just like you are seeking it.  You can not miss your PURPOSE. God will bring each and every decision you make - except for QUITTING together for your good.

Stay focused. Stay true to yourself - take your breaks however; keep pursing your REAL SELF - what God created you to be.

Do you have a  'LIFE AND DEATH story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November 18

Since I am a Spiritual Being then the things I desire are not in line with the Spirit.

The more I try to align my Spiritual self with my human thoughts and desires it is not possible.

The human part of me only sees the Negative and/or Positive of a situation.  The EGO gets involved and takes things to a whole different level.  Now instead of getting the lesson from a situation so you can grow you have created a mess that you may or may not be able to get out of quickly/easily. Everything has a consequence and whether you realize early in the situation or not that this was something you should have handled in a Spiritual manner you still have to pay the price.

I am not sure where the quote came from but I remember laughing at one of the managers I worked with, every time he said "When you find yourself in a HOLE stop DIGGING". The visual just cracks me up.  The EGO is like that when you find yourself in a situation.  It just keeps your emotions turned up so that  you wind up saying more than you should and acting in a manner you promised yourself you would not do.

It is all a process.  The Spirit is so wonderful that it can at anytime you surrender give you a lesson.  The important thing to remember that you are in your Journey NOW! So if the EGO gets in the drivers seat at anytime be aware and make that CHANGE - STOP DIGGING!

Do you have a  'VALUE/CHANGEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November 17


Only you know for sure what TIME it is in your Journey.
You can't rely on another persons SEASONS and allow that to factor in on you TIME.

The more committed you are to your TIME the more you have to spend pursing the things that go along with your Journey.  You may not be at the point yet that everything is going the way you want it to however; there are many steps in your Journey and you can always be working on something.

I'm in my 3rd of 6 weeks resting my arm I injured working out.
I have been walking each day for 1 hour.  Not walking to workout; walking to be before God. To take that one hour just like I would if I was meditating and be present with my CREATOR.  I was talking to my Spiritual Triangle Sister and I could not  figure out why I was soooo emotional.  We eventually sorted out that I had decided to work on my Emotional Eating Issue and I did not have Running - which I love or CrossFit - which I enjoy to take up the slack.  I was 100% left alone with my feelings.  We broke out laughing once the answer was revealed.  I asked God to heal me of Emotional Eating and He heard my prayer and allowed me to have to face the issue so I could heal.  I am enjoying my walks more and more each day.  I am noticing the beauty around me that I'd been missing.

Physician Heal Thyself...
Cause it's TIME...

Do you have a  'TIMEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, November 16, 2015

November 16

You have to be able to separate other peoples issues from your own. It may appear that they mean well however; they are really operating from a place of fear.  If you could get that person to speak their truth then you would find the doubt they are projecting in your situation is really doubt about their own direction and PURPOSE.

God will bring the right people into your life who will assist you in different ways along your journey.  He will also make you aware of those people who mean you no good or are draining.  It's up to you to have the type of relationship with whoever created you so you can hear the warnings.  The people who are doubting you are not there to harm you; they are actually great teachers.  It gives you an opportunity to reflect on the parts of your journey and an opportunity to get closer to your source.

At the end of the day we are spiritual beings however; we have to live in this human body.  We are not always going to understand our Purpose of the direction we are going in. We will rarely be able to explain it to another person. If a person in your life is at such a place that their doubt is interfering in your relationship with them then allow them to move on in Peace and Love.  They were in your life for a season and once that season is over then allow them to be on their way.  Someone/Something else will come along when it is time to fill the place they left.

It's not an easy task to walk out your Truth when few people around you understand.  I am not sure why it's the way it is; for me I just try to use everything as a lesson and see it as an opportunity to grow. I am committed to being the person God says I am no matter what.

 I do believe!

Do you have a  'DOUBTstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15

A caterpillar  is going to morph into a butterfly no matter what.
It is doing what it was created to do.
Even though it may not feel like it at times your PURPOSE/DESTINY has to be fulfilled - it has to happen.

Everybody can't go; so with that in mind if you were waiting for someone to come with you or for people you love to understand you then 'it will never be a good time'.  If you want what you were created to do then you have to at all cost invest in yourself.  You have to be willing to make the sacrifices and hard choices. Your decisions may lead you away from people you love and out of your comfort zone.  If you are willing to face these things and more then you will CHANGE.

Remember whoever created you knows the time and the place to bring people in your life who will enhance your journey. You will know those people because it won't be forced to be in a relationship with them.  The teacher will appear when the student is ready.

Do you have a  'METAMORPHOSISstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, November 14, 2015

November 14

I always find it funny how I will jump through so many hoops for another person and then when it comes to myself I question so much.  It is an issue I am working on - a part of the process.  When I first noticed it happening I questioned it and then I started taking note; and it was true.  I would go to so many lengths to help those I loved and cared about however; when it came to doing something for myself I questioned my choices over and over again prior to making a move.

I 100% believe that if you are in the help business then you need to talk care of yourself first. Your gift comes from your surplus.  If you are not clear with your own issues then how can you help others? You would not be; you would only be hiding from yourself.

It is more than worth it to invest in yourself.  To follow every path that you believe is a part of your Destiny/Purpose.  You will not always know the way; and that is ok. The most important thing is for you to believe in  yourself and to invest time in the relationship with the ONE who created you so in any situation you can always hear their voice.

It can appear at times especially as a person in the HELP business that everyone has their answers and purpose except for you. That even when you are operating in your gift the right way - meaning staying in your lane that the answers still don't come. The doors still don't open for you.  Understand that these times are a time of Patience and Gratitude.  Both lead to growth.

Do you have an  'INVESTING IN YOURSELFstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, November 13, 2015

November 13

One of the hardest things for me to remember is that my CHANGE and JOURNEY are FLUID. It is not about reaching one certain point and then I am IN my PURPOSE.  It's not about having a set amount of money or living in a certain house or neighborhood.  It's not about driving a certain car or belonging an exclusive country club.

Right now on my JOURNEY I have something I have never had before and that is PEACE.  I still have numerous questions about how I am going to do this part of my DESTINY and that part of my DESTINY however; waking up each day in a PEACEFUL home it keeps me grounded to my DESTINY/PURPOSE.

I have to walk about 5 - 7 minutes from the parking lot to my job Monday - Friday. I take this time to talk to God and tell Him all the things I am grateful for. I do a line item list of all He has done for me and during those times I am always amazed at things I didn't think of that I am so Grateful for. How my life would be if God had not stepped in.  How God made all my mistakes and poor choices and worked them in to lessons and growth moments along my JOURNEY.  God showed me that no matter what I can't lose out on my DESTINY.  It is always there for me; if that is my CHOICE.

Do you have a  'FLUID JOURNEYstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November 12

Everyone is not going to understand your journey and it is not for them to understand. It is for you to believe in  your PURPOSE and all the steps along your path.  Regardless of what anyone says you should be determine to stay the course - with or without support.

Whenever God allows people to not be around me, I know He is getting ready to reveal more of His will for my life.  I meditate 1 hour everyday from 4 am - 5 am however; when I start looking around and no one is around me then it's at a level that even meditation can not reach.

The way whoever created you communicates with you is something only you know.  The way of communication may be different however; the point of the message will always be the same.  You were born for a PURPOSE as long as you don't QUIT !

Do you have a  'PROTECT YOUR JOURNEYstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10


Evidence that

It's hard to believe that God can use our our failures.  He still has a plan for our lives even when we fail.  He can use that failure as a spring board to your next venture.

Some failures may appear that they are too big to over come however; if you can just stay focused on the END RESULT then you will be rewarded.

When I first started my company got bootcamp?  I'd just been laid off from a big telecommunications company.  One year after that while I was building my business up I hurt my back and was told I would never walk again.  I lost my apartment and had to sell my car for advertising.  I lived in a house with no utilities.  I'd go each day to the gym to shower.  No one knew that I'd lost everything.  It was really rough however; I did not give up and soon I'd landed my 1st big contract with a gym and less than a year later I landed their 2nd location.  All I can say it was all worth it. The doubt and questions from family and friends saying I was wrong to keep following my dream and needed to give up where proven wrong.

I have to say my time in the White House/Peace House was a great spiritual awakening.  I never felt closer to God than I did when I had no utilities and it gets COLD in Washington, DC in the Winter.  I wasn't asking God to get me out the situation.  I was sitting in His lap as He helped me see the steps I needed to take till the door opened.  It was scary at times because I didn't know when the door would open. I could not answer any questions and I could not explain why I would not quit.

Your situation may not get that dire but it will come a time along your journey when you fail and you will have to decide to accept that failure as a lesson or an opportunity to quit.

It's your CHOICE.

Do you have a  'FAILUREstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, November 9, 2015

November 9

The journey each of us are on is a journey no one else has ever walked before.

There may be a lot of similar things in another persons journey however; it is not the same.

You will always have questions about your next step and if you are doing the right thing.

Teachers will manifest in your life to offer encouragement and to help you ask God/Universe the right questions for your PURPOSE.

In the end it's your unique LIFE and only you know the way; only you know your PURPOSE even when you don't think you do.

Do you have a  'PURPOSEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8

They said.
Who said?  Them.

It can appear that other people have the answers to your life or that their lives are are in a better place than your but it just is not true.  People often tell you what they would do but if you look at their lives they walk something different.  It is fine to have people to talk to as a sounding board however; at the end of the day it is your situation and you ultimately need to make the decisions for your life.  It may not be what another person would do and that is ok.  This is your journey and your lessons are on your own individual path.

I remember when I was struggling with my marriage.  I made the mistake of talking about it in the break room at my job. Different women chimed in and had a lot to say about me staying with my husband.  It didn't matter that I expressed how I wanted to keep my family together. THEY kept saying how if it was them  they would leave. Fast forward several years I heard through one of my friends that both of those ladies were in a worse situation than mines and guess what? They both stayed in their marriages and pretended like everything was ok. I wound up leaving my marriage on my own but I am glad I didn't listen to those women.  Though the years I have found more often than not that people give you advice they wish they would have done and not actually what they would do but rarely let you know it.  

For me it is my relationship with God that makes everything work.  He places different people/events in my life that help me keep going along my path. I appreciate the people in my life who #SpeakLyfe in to my situation.

I am grateful.

Do you have a  'THEY SAYstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, November 7, 2015

November 7

Life is always going to challenge you to see if you really believe what you say.
Yeah, you can talk it but can you walk it?  And it is not going to challenge you in an area of your life that you are strong in. Life is going to hit you below the belt every time.

I always get a laugh out of the prank phone calls on the morning talk shows.  So many times after the prank is over the person realizes they have behaved in a manner that they said they would never do. Sometimes they even ask if they are on the radio now.

That is how Life is going to challenge you. It is going to sit back and watch you in a situation and then look as you struggle to be the person of your New Life or if you revert back to being the person in your Old Life. You can best be sure it is going to do it in a way that you will feel the guilt and shame if you choose your Old Life and it is going to make sure you know how easy it would have been if you just chose your New Life.

All I can say is that Life is "For you" according to Dr. Bernard Beckwith. And I agree with him. It's like that scripture in the Bible where they heat up the gold and all the impurities come to the top the hotter the gold gets.

It is a process and you are not always going to get it right the first time; however; if you don't give up you will have the New Life you believe you can have.

Do you have a  'OLD LIFE/NEW LIFEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, November 6, 2015

November 6

I love, love positive affirmations and quotes.
I have FB Liked several pages of Spiritual leaders.
I used to have so many Post its all over my mirrors, my refrigerator and even in my wallet and one taped to the inside of my business card case.  LOL.
I save them to my cellphone and save them to my laptop.
Still with all that it will take more to change.
I have to daily be in pursuit of my belief that my life is changing and it is what I desire.
I have to focus on not being side tracked by the physical and what I believe at the time may be negative.

It is all a process and it takes work.
Yes, walk what you talk at all times at the same time just don't talk and have no action.
Be about your business.
Even when it seems nothing is happening you know whoever you believe created you and gave you your PURPOSE is working behind the scenes.  For me that is GOD/UNIVERSE whichever: I don't get hung up on names; I get hung up on the relationship.

Whether you sit still or are on the move CHANGE is happening and nothing can stop it. It is up to you to be a part of your CHANGE or be blown about by it.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November 5


That is what I am hanging on to today.
I'm nursing tendinitis in my left arm.  It really sucks.  I was enjoying the past 4 months of working out 5x a week.  I'd battled through my back off and on just to be stopped in my tracks by my arm. 2 small muscles - bicep and tricep. It took me 2 weeks to even get close to being still and listening to my body.  I kept trying to override it but after yesterdays workout and the pain returned I decided to take a few steps back and re-evaluate my new situation.

What I am really thinking about is where my Destiny/Purpose comes in to play.  How can I accomplish my goals without working out the way I was.  Why is my little arm stopping my progress.  When I think about all I can really do is walk outside or walk on the treadmill I feel ill.  I thought about  my team mates and how I would miss them.  I thought about now what will I do?  How will I motivate myself to workout?

And then I remembered.  Anytime God has allowed me to be separated from everyone it's because I need some quiet time with Him. I spend a lot of time with God discussing my Destiny/Purpose now it's time to just listen...

Do you have a  'HOPEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November 4

CAN AND CAN'T just 1 letter separates those two words however; Life is in one; and death is in the other. "Spiritual being having a Human experience" is in one and Human being having a Spiritual experience is in the other.  Hope is in one and Hopelessness is in the other.

Both are a CHOICE.

There will always be a reason to say you can't and there will always be a reason to say you Can.  It is a matter of believing in who created you and knowing that you have a PURPOSE that your life is greater than what you see with your human eyes. It's the FAITH the size of a mustard seed for some; it's what Big Momma spoke into your life before she slipped away on her death bed.  It's a quiet voice speaking to you as you stood with your brothers during the Million Man March.  It's scrolling through FB and seeing a video of a little boy with prosthetic legs and a walker saying "I got it, I got it".

When I try to put my finger on it for myself I realize that something inexpiable happens to each of us that calls the spiritual part of us to the forefront  It is unique to each person.  I understand now that people around me will want answers and explanations to why I move this way or that however; most of the time I don't even know myself. After all how do you explain you hear God telling you something.  How do you prove it wasn't the pizza you at last night?  Or too many espressos.

I believe in my DESTINY/PURPOSE.  I believe that if I don't give up then anything is POSSIBLE.

Do you have a  'CAN/CAN'Tstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November 3

About a month or two ago I had 2 run ins with a woman at work.  It was confusing at first because just a few days prior she was speaking to me about a sick family member.  Usually I would not say anything but this time I asked her could I speak to her.  Nothing was resolved and just 1 month later she said something else negative to me and I just shook my head and left it alone.  I decided she was just dealing with her own stuff and trying to take it out on me. Because it was my job I really wanted to keep my workplace peaceful so I decided to distance myself from her and keep it moving.

The other side of me was ready to let her have it. I would sit at my desk and listen to things she would say and I had all these mean thoughts in my head. When I saw her in the hallway I thought of all the things I could say to her.  Even at home at night it would cross my mind.  I really wanted to get her back. I really wanted to confront her and let her have it.  I wanted to tell things to my supervisor that I knew she was doing so she would get in trouble.  I wanted to talk to the people who she quoted as saying things about me with her there - just put her on blast.  It was taking over my thought life.  I could feel my breathing changing and my teeth gritting and my anger just rising.  Then I took it to God.  And He showed me where I was allowing my issue with people being a hypocrite and my ego get the best of me. He said I was willing to exchange all the growth I had for the right to let her have it.  I never saw it that way however; I knew something was going on because it felt like something was poking me and driving me in my back to just say something to her.  It was too insistent.  So it had to be a Spiritual moment for me and I am grateful God showed me what was going on so I could make the right choice.

It did not get better over night.
It was a choice I made each day to walk away from that woman and see that it was my opportunity for growth. God said He would make my enemies my footstool - He didn't tell me to make them my foot stool.  If I allowed my ego to run things then that would be my reward. And my issue with hypocrites stems from my family and it's impossible to settle a family issue with a coworker.  I'd already Spiritually turned my family situation over to God; but my ego had not.  It wanted me to bring my wrath down on any and everyone who reminded me of the Hypocrite/Manipulation issues I grew up with.

My old life has nothing to do with my new life. The only thing my old life can do is mess up my new life and laugh at me after I fall for the Okie Doke.  It is so important to have my relationship with God be the most important thing in my life. It is the only way that I will be able to continue to grow and not be dragged about by my feelings and my ego.  The Human part of me has nothing to do with my Spiritual Life except for me to use what I believe is negative as a lesson. My Human part is not a creation part. The only part of me that creates is my Spiritual part.

It is not easy.  Again; it's just worth it to me.

Do you have a  'OLD LIFE/NEW LIFE story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, November 2, 2015

November 2

Oh those sacred cows; pet peeves these are the things in your journey of CHANGE that will really challenge you and make you think, do you really want to change. The lessons that will come from those places pull the real you out.  It's like taking all the mirrors in the house and turning them on yourself.

I remember back in the day I use to curse really bad and be really really loud.  I'd go off at a drop of a hat. Anywhere. Anytime.  I had NO FILTER.  As God started dealing with me it seemed I'd stumble upon every situation that would show me how I really was.  Like the Dallas Cowboys Jumbo tron; that person would remind me of myself.  I'd get into disagreements with people and I'd be going full tilt in the argument and hear God whisper to me.  I'd stop going off and say I'm sorry right in the middle of the argument and start crying. I'd have to say I changed first because I was tired of being embarrassed by breaking down every time God showed me myself.  Eventually I changed because I wanted to be pleasing to God.  I wanted to be the person God said I could be.

It was no easy task to change.  And there were so many times - too many to count - that I just blew it.  I failed miserably.  Each time God forgave me and encouraged me to keep going.  And I am glad that I did.

We have all heard it before; Life is not a Sprint it's a journey/marathon however; you want to say it.  You are going to have hard times and easy times. At the end of the day it is up to you to stay on your path and change the things you need to change.  To look at life as offering you lessons/opportunities to see yourself how you really are and not how you believe you are. There is nothing like looking in the mirror!

Do you have a  'SACRED COW; PET PEEVE CHALLENGEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November 1

As I look back over my 1st business got bootcamp? the Dream and Create was not there anymore; I lost it along the way. As I tried to explain my business to family and let them know I was OK and I was responsible I started to doubt myself.  In that doubt I had an emotional moment when LIFE was just too hard and at the height of my business when clients were ready to sign up for another month - I told them to take a break and closed my bootcamp down. That was over 7 years ago and I have never been able to reopen that bootcamp again although I have tried several times.

Another such occasion when I did not Dream and Create was when I worked for a Top Fortune 500 communications company.  I'd been hired as a software engineer and prior to my start date HR called me and asked would I be willing to come in as a Team Lead instead of a Software Engineer.  I said yes of course and from there I worked my way up to acting manager. I was due to be promoted to junior manager; just as the merger went through I was downsized.  The important thing about my time at the telecom company was I was always afraid.  I doubted my gift. See I had not been to college I was in the Navy and trained in telecommunications.  I got the job via a consulting firm who gave me several exams and trained me.  During the whole interview and testing process God was opening my mind so I could understand the coding and the training I was provided. As my responsibility increased the more I started doubting myself and judging myself against my peers and the people I lead.  During that time the tech field was more male dominated and I had several men who questioned me and with their questions I questioned and doubted my gift and with that came mistakes and eventually I was laid off.

I look back at these two occasions as I launch my Life Coach business and all the pieces that I will be rolling out during the upcoming years and months. Dream and Create, not DOUBT is in the forefront of my mind now.  God has given me my gift and explaining it to anyone is not what I have to do or concern myself with. All I have to do is have the FAITH that God knows my PURPOSE and He will open the right doors for me and through my relationship with Him I will know an OPEN door from a CLOSED door.  I will be able to see what is not there knowing that I am DREAMING and CREATING my PURPOSE/DESTINY as I journey.

Do you have a  'DREAM AND CREATEstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA