Sunday, November 15, 2015

November 15

A caterpillar  is going to morph into a butterfly no matter what.
It is doing what it was created to do.
Even though it may not feel like it at times your PURPOSE/DESTINY has to be fulfilled - it has to happen.

Everybody can't go; so with that in mind if you were waiting for someone to come with you or for people you love to understand you then 'it will never be a good time'.  If you want what you were created to do then you have to at all cost invest in yourself.  You have to be willing to make the sacrifices and hard choices. Your decisions may lead you away from people you love and out of your comfort zone.  If you are willing to face these things and more then you will CHANGE.

Remember whoever created you knows the time and the place to bring people in your life who will enhance your journey. You will know those people because it won't be forced to be in a relationship with them.  The teacher will appear when the student is ready.

Do you have a  'METAMORPHOSISstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

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