Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10


Evidence that

It's hard to believe that God can use our our failures.  He still has a plan for our lives even when we fail.  He can use that failure as a spring board to your next venture.

Some failures may appear that they are too big to over come however; if you can just stay focused on the END RESULT then you will be rewarded.

When I first started my company got bootcamp?  I'd just been laid off from a big telecommunications company.  One year after that while I was building my business up I hurt my back and was told I would never walk again.  I lost my apartment and had to sell my car for advertising.  I lived in a house with no utilities.  I'd go each day to the gym to shower.  No one knew that I'd lost everything.  It was really rough however; I did not give up and soon I'd landed my 1st big contract with a gym and less than a year later I landed their 2nd location.  All I can say it was all worth it. The doubt and questions from family and friends saying I was wrong to keep following my dream and needed to give up where proven wrong.

I have to say my time in the White House/Peace House was a great spiritual awakening.  I never felt closer to God than I did when I had no utilities and it gets COLD in Washington, DC in the Winter.  I wasn't asking God to get me out the situation.  I was sitting in His lap as He helped me see the steps I needed to take till the door opened.  It was scary at times because I didn't know when the door would open. I could not answer any questions and I could not explain why I would not quit.

Your situation may not get that dire but it will come a time along your journey when you fail and you will have to decide to accept that failure as a lesson or an opportunity to quit.

It's your CHOICE.

Do you have a  'FAILUREstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

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