Saturday, November 28, 2015

November 28

There are 2 hard things about changing. Well 3.

First you have to know that you need to change.
Second you have to take the steps to change
And finally you have to stay committed to changing no matter what Life gives you.

Once you get past all that you have to have the HUNGER to CHANGE.
This means you see past the issues that are after all only LESSONS and stages of your GROWTH.
You may be bothered by the issues however; you don't let them stop you - maybe slow you down sometimes - never stop.

It is tough at times to be HUNGRY for your CHANGE when it means you have to let go of things you love and you may have to take on things you don't like.  You have to take a good look in the mirror to see your own flaws along with having them pointed out to you by those around you.  You have to not respond back when your mirror reflects the REAL YOU through those around you.  You simply take in all in and ask whoever made you to help you see these things as a LESSON and not something to HURT you.

Everything that comes your way is part of the process.
Your Destiny/Purpose can not be changed or stopped - only by you if you QUIT.

Do you have a  'HUNGRY FOR CHANGE'story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

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