I'm at a job I enjoy and it leaves me enough of myself to work on my Passion - Life Coach.
As great as things are there are still things I feel like I either want or need or both for the picture to be complete.
What stumps me is being attached to the outcome. I see my life as having to come together a certain way and it just does not work like that. When I look back 3 years I knew my business was poised to go to the next level and then the bottom fell out of my personal life. Looking at it now it was the best thing that ever happened to me. Of course I didn't think that then; I was scrambling trying to keep everything together. The reason it was the best thing that happened is because my eyes were opened. I reached a new spiritual level that I see now is necessary for my Life Coach business. I am so grateful for this level of awareness - as painful as it was at times. I am grateful not only for myself but also for my clients. The insight I have now will be more beneficial in assisting me in helping them during their Journey.
If my life was like a game show and what happened to me during the last 3 years was a selection behind door number 1, 2 or 3; I would never have picked it. It's hard to pick such a painful event without knowing the outcome. And that is why I say to not be attached to it. What may appear as the worse option God may be using that exact pain for a growth moment.
I joke all the time that I am glad my business did not take off like I wanted it to because I would be sending out a lot of apology notes to my clients taking back what I'd just told them. I want to be the best for myself and for the people that God allows to come in my life to help. My gift is bigger than my EGO. It is bigger than my personal issues. Iyanla Vanzant showed us all in her apology to Oprah and her book Peace from Broken Pieces that God can use you at any stage of your CHANGE.
So today's lesson is: Don't be attached to the outcome!
Do you have an 'ATTACHED TO THE OUTCOME ' story and want to share?
Please chime in.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA
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