Monday, December 21, 2015

December 21

It's hard to admit that you are standing in the way of your own Change.  After all you are trying so hard to change. How could it be?  FEAR of FAILURE. That's all it is.  You are in the process of CREATING a LIFESTYLE for yourself.  And that unknown factor can cause you to protect yourself and put your guard up even with YOURSELF. 

Can you say "Man in the Mirror"?

When you sincerely start to work on yourself and no matter how hard it is; that is when you will become your own enemy.  You will see the human part of yourself not wanting to give way to your spiritual growth.  The challenging thing is the resistance will come in the form of what is near and dear to you. You will find yourself in situations where you question why you even chose this journey.  The awareness and understanding that you usually have will seem to be inadequate in your current situation.  

This is the only way that you are going to grow.  It is impossible for you to see who you really are and what you really believe in if LIFE does not present you with those opportunities of self reflection and mirroring off the people around you.  

Remember no matter what you learn about yourself; it is something you need to know to be fully aware and operating in your gift/purpose/destiny/truth.

Do you have a  'YOU AS AN ENEMY' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

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