Sunday, December 20, 2015

December 20

Working on yourself is like eating your vegetables - for instance Cauliflower; whatever veggie makes you say YUCK - just fill in the blank.

It is hard to look in the mirror and take account of your flaws and decide to work on those issues.  It's even harder to listen to the feed back from those who know you and work on those issues.

Let's face it; we are in the help business and being on our side of the couch is better - safer.
What makes you keep working on yourself even though what you see and learn is painful?
For me I would never help another person if my life wasn't in a process of changing.  How can I encourage another person to open up and tell me everything when I am not willing to do the same thing? I believe the first call is to heal yourself.  You are called to be the person you were created to be. That call begins your journey. Along that journey you may find that your gift is helping people. That gift never takes the place of working on yourself. You can always help people while you are working on yourself; it is important that you don't mistake being able to help people as you have arrived. That you have healed all your issues. If you don't continue your spiritual work you will find the ego taking over and leading you further and further away from your spiritual self.

After being accountable to yourself; invite a few people in your life that you can be accountable to.  Allow yourself to be transparent so you can heal and grow completely.

Do you have an  'OTHER PEOPLE FIRST' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

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