Self Help Advice Blog. Hello everyone and thank you for stopping by and visiting my blog. A little background about me. I have my BS Psychology: Life Coaching along with being a nationally certified Personal Trainer and Nutritional consultant. I extend myself to you to assist you on your journey of discovering your PURPOSE. There are NO PASSES - you must do the work. I have no magic words, dances or potions - if I did I would have used them myself LOL.
Monday, October 31, 2016
October 31 - Remember 2 Remember - Notes to self
It's easy to get caught up on: Crystals, Tarot Cards, Reiki, Angel Numbers, Aromatherapy, Spiritual Guides etc. After all those things make you feel good when you get a glimpse of what your life could be as a Spiritual being.
Remember this is your journey, you want to know that your PURPOSE is yours. You want to believe in your PURPOSE and not feel like it was because of some type of push - spiritual or human.
Your life was only meant for you.
To investigate, explore make mistakes. Fall down. Get back up.
There is no perfect way for you to live your life.
There is only the LESSON.
Always the LESSON.
Once you are AWARE the doors for you will open. And they will lead you only to where your spirit created you to be.
Remember 2 Remember. All those things are just 'Notes to self'
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Sunday, October 30, 2016
October 30 - Writers block during emotional transition - Reiki, Yoga and Meditation to the rescue
I was thinking back to how I had writers block for so long.
Nothing could bring me out of it.
I dreaded having to post each day. And sometimes would wait till it was almost 12 am to post and then rush and put down something.
I could not understand why I could write for pages and pages in my journal but when it came time to blog - nothing. LOL.
Those of you following me know that I have been getting more and more immersed in my spiritual journey. While getting physically ill often as my low energy processed it's way out of my body, my writing started to come back. I first started writing on my 30 minute lunch break as I stayed late to make up sick time. From there once I was done making up time I noticed during my normal 1 hour lunch break I was able to blog and post to Instagram and I was really enjoying it. Now I get ideas for almost the whole week for my blog and I write myself little notes on what to say once the day comes. I have noticed during the 10 days I was deep in a situation that the struggle returned however; I was able to push through more easily.
I'm still learning about low energy and higher energy. What it looks like when it manifest into the physical realm. Now I know that it impacts my gifts and if I continue my spiritual study more gifts reveal themselves.
It's no over night solution however; once the breakthrough comes its more than worth it.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Saturday, October 29, 2016
October 29 - Trust you know the voice of your creator
I'm asking you to go on a visual journey with me.
For those of you who have a good relationship with your Mother, Father or Guardian, imagine them. For those of you who your Pet is your heart, imagine them in this exercise.
Now visualize a gym filled with whoever you selected above.
In your minds eye multiply that person till the whole gym is filled with them. See them as close to identical as possible. Make it so only their fingerprints or paw pads are different.
Now visualize yourself walking into that gym filled with the love one you selected above and they are calling your name. All at the same time.
Now in a sea of identical loved ones see yourself going to the original.
My point today is, you knew who they were. It did not matter that their carbon copy was right there. It did not matter that their tone of voice was the same. All that matter is your name was called and you went to the Original the 1st time. You innately knew which was your loved one regardless of what your eyes, ears & nose told you.
Now, once you are done with your visualization try to apply that same theory to your spiritual relationship.
There is absolutely no way you would not know the one who created you.
You do not need anyone to tell you who that is. You do not need anyone to point out who created you. You do not need anyone to show you what you need to do to be in the presence of the one who created you; to find out what your PURPOSE is and how to obtain it.
You innately know!
Trust that knowing - it will be your guiding light.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Friday, October 28, 2016
October 28 - Wisdom in Spirituality
There is an awesome book: Loving What Is by Byron Katie.
I have been reading and referring back to her book for several years. It goes along with the phrase 'It is what it is'. Accepting the unacceptable.
During the last 10 days it was really challenging for me to remind myself that this is the only way I could truly walk out my spirituality. When I was in the thick of things my human self refused to accept the unacceptable - my spirit kept quietly reminding me. In the end my spirit won out. What would be the use of building my spirit on a 'Santa Claus' base? Like if I just did enough yoga, Reiki or meditation then what I was facing would magically go away. If I just made my OM sound right. If I just held my asana...
I am grateful for the last 10 days. It has been hard to accept yet it has been a confirmation for what I ultimately want for my life. Being spiritual does not move me out of or keep me from heart ache and trouble. What is does is allow me to see the Lesson for my journey and gain insight and wisdom to my overall purpose. There is no hiding place for me in spirituality. There is no safe harbor, no safe place where I will be untouched by LIFE.
There is a peacefulness that has entered my life. During the last 10 days I felt like just curling up in my bed; eating my favorite chocolate chip cookies and milk and just dropping out of all the spiritual life I have been building. I felt like it however; spirit kept urging me to keep going and I'm glad I did.
Now on the other side of that one lesson I am clearer about my PURPOSE and I see the determination of my spirit to GROW me from where I was to where I am now. To open my AWARENESS so I can see a bigger picture for my life and where I fit in the whole scheme of humanity.
Of course the lesson is important for my own growth first; and 2nd it makes me a better LIGHTWORKER/Energy Healer for my clients. In the end my life may never be what I think it should be and I'm able to pass that on to my clients. My life is: what a "spiritual being having a human experience" life should be. And for that I am universally grateful.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Thursday, October 27, 2016
October 27 - Perceived Evil in your spiritual practice/personal space
I learned a great lesson over the past few weeks.
I was in the same place as a person who initially scared me. I know about devils and stuff like that from the type of background I grew up in. As I got older I never agreed with treating a person who was spiritually wounded like they were evil or possessed by the devil. It has been a long while since I even thought in terms like that. Every now and then when I am really stressed during the day I will have a scary dream. But that was just a dream.
In this situation I was in a spiritual session and this perceived evil came in my spiritual area. I was so shocked. And even after the session ended, the person was still there for days with the feeling like that person was inside of me at times or they were watching me. I could not get rid of that person. When that person showed up again this time I went in on them. I was saying all types of things to them in my minds eye. I was reading them the riot act.
And then Spirit stopped me and started asking me to ask questions.
Why was that person able to access me on the levels that was upsetting me?
Was it really evil? Wasn't I the one who didn't believe in that?
From there I started feeling compassion again and that was when I realized the person was just hurting. And yes, they were choosing to represent themselves as - low energy - however; it was a choice and in a choice you can choose something else. That was their lesson.
Mines was to be reminded to stay aware while I am in the spiritual realm. I need to stay aware - ground myself; shield myself. Of course its ok to have a knee jerk reaction; I'm still human. At the same time this is my gift; just like that person was using their gift. In my life this time I want to stay open to low enery people who for whatever reason show up at a higher energy level session. My energy is not allowed to over power theirs and theirs is not allowed to over power mines. We are both spiritual beings seeking.
With that in mind; going forward I can have compassion, empathy and concern for people who are hurting and decide this is the only way to express themselves.
I'll just be grounded/shielded.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Wednesday, October 26, 2016
October 26 - Get the Spiritual Lesson over with!
Now I can see I'm in class.
My teachers are: pain, fear, anger, hurt, guilt, vulnerability to name a few.
I recognize them from past lives and never before have I been able to handle them without eventually resorting to my human solution.
Now Spirit is moving through me and opening my awareness and whispering instructions in my ear so I can get it this time...only because I want it.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Tuesday, October 25, 2016
October 25 - The more you try to define it; the more confusing it is
I have been enjoying a romance novel on my Kindle. It has a religious tone to it. Not the known religions - this one is a religion from way back. I thought about mentioning it: the actual religion and then thought better. It's not the religion - it's the spiritual side that matters to me.
When I read I like to google when I see something I don't know. I went to YouTube to listen to what the religion was all about. And then there was a mistake. I went back to google to read what the religion was all about and got even more confused. It contradicted itself over and over again. I thought it was just the religion I was raised in that was confusing and contradictory.
I had a lot of questions - EGO/ID questions. Questions that as I blog today really don't matter.
The only thing that matters is that I am even more convinced that I have the right idea to separate my spiritual growth/journey from anyone else's. Along with that anyone who comes to me as my client has that same right. The line between helping and allowing a person to find their own way is now defined in stone for me. It is impossible for me to know what a person should do spiritually. It is a disservice for me to even try. My relationship with the ONE who created me means everything to me. It's the difference between me living and feeling like I am living in the movie 'Groundhog' day. To say or do anything that could mislead - even with good intentions - another person from their true spiritual self is not something I can bear.
My spiritual journey is unlike any one else's; and theirs is unlike anyone else's. The only thing for me to do as a Life Coach is to LISTEN. The person in front of me knows the answers they just need to hear themselves say it. They have to grow to trust that whatever decision they make at the time is the right decision. That whatever decision they make at the time will only lead them to where they are supposed to be. There is absolutely no right or wrong way. You can not miss who you are created to be.
You can not mess up your PURPOSE.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Monday, October 24, 2016
October 24 -Camo mode; nothing changes....
My changes have been coming hot an heavy over the past few months. I have done more changing than I have in 20 plus years when I first felt Spirit saying for me to STOP! CHANGE!
Who knew that meditating, taking yoga and receiving Reiki would bring so much stuff up and out of me. It seems I am living my whole life again emotionally and mentally. I'm getting the opportunity to see what my life was outside of my hurt, pain and anger. Forever I have been in survival mode. I didn't know and never cared that I was stuck. I was too busy trying to protect myself. Everyone was either my enemy, out to get me or I was going to get them before they got me. While in protection mode my heart and spirit were suffering. My ego and my skewed view were damaging and redefining who I was made to be. Before long I operated in that mode for so long I could no longer tell the difference between who I was created to be and who I was now.
Life was never meant to turn you into something other than your PURPOSE. No matter how hard or tragic your life may be at the moment you were created for a reason and the only way you can find out what that PURPOSE is, is to get still...get quiet and listen.
The last few days as I take my classes and listen to YouTube video's the same message is coming through. Your mind will run and run and run. It will either be in your past or in your future. I was not aware of this before. I thought it was the right thing to do to have my mind always thinking about the next step. WRONG!
I'm grateful that Spirit reached me through my survival mode. I didn't think it was possible to have feelings again. I didn't think it was possible for me to walk in this life vulnerable. I'm still in my journey - there is no end - spirit never dies.
Will you start your journey today?
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Sunday, October 23, 2016
October 23 - Spiritual vision is becoming clearer
I have been in deep thought today about how my awareness is different and something is trying to come through and give me more insight. As you know from the past few blogs I am in a challenging situation right now and it does not have me questioning like in the past however; I am noticing my thoughts have really changed. My feelings are there at the same time it's like I am watching myself going through this situation instead of acting and reacting. My emotions of course are bursting at the seams. I realized that I can't help people if I don't allow myself to be vulnerable. I have been self-talking and looking at myself through new lens and I am starting to come to grips with it .....and be ok.
It's like being reborn. I can see this new person ready to emerge. Think of the scifi movies where they are creating a human or having some type of human be born. That is how I am feeling now.
I have always said it's important for each person to find their own spiritual way. As I journey through this new situation in my life I am even more committed to being the type of Life Coach that really allows the client to explore what is best for them; knowing that their own TRUTH will guide them. What may look like a wrong turn to one person can have an important message for the traveler. Also, understanding where the vulnerability LESSONS can leave you. I used to have dreams that I was naked; split down the middle and a lava stream was running down; I had my finger tips in the middle and they were being burnt. That is how vulnerable I feel right now. I told myself to lean into that place because that was where the LESSON and the HEALING were.
It's amazing to feel so BAD and GOOD at the same time. To feel so HOPELESS and HOPEFUL at the same time. All unique new experiences that I realize will make me better for myself and better for my clients.
My advice is to not run from your emotions and feelings. See what message they are trying to tell you. See what growth is trying to manifest in your life. Rebirth is waiting for you.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Saturday, October 22, 2016
October 22 - ????????? Is this a Blog or a Journal. LOL
I was asked this question the other day.
And of course I responded back right away saying it was a Blog, not a journal.
The past few days I have been thinking about that question and how I answered it.
I am in the process of setting up: Storm Jackson Life Coach. It has been in the making for the past few years. I set up my FB page several years ago and then started using the affirmations I posted on FB here on my blog. My 1 year anniversary of the Blog snuck up on me; and I scrambled to find out what to do next. I was actually in the middle of my spiritual transition - having weekly Reiki sessions and was physically ill. In an effort to make up missed hours at work I cut my lunch down to 30 minutes. I am still not sure why one day I took my computer to lunch to post; I think it was because I was still using the affirmations and I downloaded the page manager page from FB but it did not let me post to my blog. So I brought my laptop to work and before I could even think about it I was posting to my blog. It was so easy to write. I was suffering from writers block forever. It seemed that being sick and only having 30 minutes to post brought out the best in me. Spirit knew what it was doing. Writing was exciting to me. And at my 1 year anniversary I realized I could not post from my FB affirmations anymore because I already posted all my affirmations with the expounded version. That is when some type of way I started to take pictures to go along with what I was experiencing and here we are today.
When I write in my blog I am thinking about my clients who are reading it. I want to give insight to them about me and about what they will be experiencing by working with me. Things are happening to me while I am doing meditation (Stopped a few weeks ago - no go on the Kool Aid feeling; I still mediate on my own 7 days a week at 4 AM for 1 hour), Reiki and yoga and I do not understand them. These are all things along with my juicing, bootcamp, bike, run, swim, one on one Life Coach sessions, group sessions and retreats I will offer so I want my clients to have some idea of what they will experience. Everyone's experience will be different at the same time having some knowledge about what I will experience has helped me on the hard days.
I am in the mist of a serious situation right now (Journal time...LOL). I am awed each day by how I am able to continue with my PURPOSE and continue to BLOG. It is blowing me away. I see where this is a great LESSON for me; a real game changer. At times I am too sad to even desire to do anything; and then there are times after the tears that I see SPIRIT clearly and am excited. It can all be overwhelming at times however; I don't want to quit.
My hope is as my clients read these daily blogs that they will go to whoever created them and ask to use the information I pass on to them to help them in their journey. I believe people who come to me are sent. It is no accident that they are there. It is a great responsibility for me to be their Life Coach. I take it seriously. The more I work on myself and heal myself the better Life Coach I will be for my clients.
So to answer the question is this a Blog or a Journal?
It's whatever the person reading it believes it is; which doesn't matter as long as they can gain insight to their TRUTH because I am not hung up on names or titles. I am just a humble servant of my PURPOSE.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Friday, October 21, 2016
October 21 - Third Eye open
Reiki was another unique experience Thursday night.
I was sure that everything I experienced on my mat was my imagination.
When I got through with my session the stones that were placed on me were the Third Eye Reiki stone and a Pink Mangano stone. These were the stones that went with the visions I had during my Reiki session. I cried like a baby. See back in 2008 I was unable to handle the spiritual transition that needed to take place and here I was again 8 years later and it was clear as day to me - here was the lesson again and this time in my spirit I said yes! I was ready to heal and go through this LESSON.
The great thing about wanting to help others heal is your stuff will start manifesting and it's up to you to heal yourself. The surface things I knew about the deeper things My Third Eye knew about.
You cannot hide from yourself. If your desire to change; change will come. Your Spirit is not going to allow false or incomplete healing. As long as you are seeking - everything you are will be revealed.
The journey that night was not easy. The whole class is 60 minutes. It seemed like a life time.
Today as I reflect. Again I feel freer. Nothing on the human side has changed; everything spiritually has changed. I'm determined to walk out my change for myself. I'm grateful that 8 years ago my LESSON manifested and stayed till it was healed Thursday.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Thursday, October 20, 2016
October 20 - I forget to look up sometimes...
This is a picture of the sky after Saturday morning meditation at O4W park.
My mouth was in an 'O' while I was snapping these shots. I could not believe how blue the sky was.
Here I was at meditation and on my way to yoga in another hour; Reiki was 2 days ago. All this spiritual stuff I was doing and I didn't notice the ultimate Spiritual experience - Natural Beauty.
Balance is they key in navigating the journey of being a "Spiritual being having a human experience".
The sky reminded me that walking out my spiritual journey is not about ignoring life; for me it's about embracing life and still being in touch with my spiritual self to the point where I am not caught up in right/wrong, good/bad, pain/pleasure etc. I stay aware that everything I experience can be my lesson if I am open to it.
Today, if you can walk a different way to work, drive a different route, look up and pay if forward while you are in line for coffee. Whatever NEW thing you can experience; do it.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Wednesday, October 19, 2016
October 19 - Healed on my mat
This week has been the hardest of my life.
Since May of this year I have been immersed in spiritual stuff. I thought it was to transition from corporate to my own business - and it may be still - however; I am really grateful that I have this start of a foundation because I would not have kept it together this long.
I am emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically exhausted. I feel not only helpless but hopeless. I have never dealt with anything like this in my life and make that times two. Spirit has been helping me at the same time I am human. Spirit can not turn me into a robot.
So today I was just done. I ate a whole box of M&M's (emotional eating) and I headed to my 2nd comfort - going to be and putting the covers over my head as soon as I get home. That was my last thought as I drove home from work. Then on the way Spirit whispered in my ear and said 'why don't you try something different'. The Atlanta traffic was magically clear; I was on my way to Yoga before I knew it. My GPS re-routed itself to an easier route and I wound up being 30 minutes early.
Once class started I went to a spiritual place I'd never been before. My troubled soul - did yoga. My troubled emotions put themselves into my poses. My wounded mind flowed. Before I knew it the class was over and I was so glad I came.
Nothing has changed as of yet with my situation. I am overall hopeful at the same time I slip to the human outlook of my situation. I always say LIFE will come around and check and see if you really believe what you say and do.
Today my answer was YES! M&M's and all. LOL
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Tuesday, October 18, 2016
October 18 - Touch Your Spirit
Here are my touchstones. I added my bracelets 2 weeks ago and had to take them to the top of Stone Mountain to get energized by my ancestors.
I have always liked rocks. So these crystals and crystal bracelets bring a smile to my face. I am learning now what they mean and what they help on an energy level. Also I love to hold them and rub them. So calming. I picked out my bracelets and my crystals purposely. I like the fact they are all mines. What I specifically picked out. Not something I was given.
If you look back at a later posting you will see a posting where I took an Aura picture at a wellness seminar. Before I ever knew about crystals and bracelets I was using a Vibe Cloth. My Vibe Cloth came from when I was in DC and my Sister took me to an African dance class they wore Lapas. It was love at first sight. I wore it all the time. On my hips, on my head, as a halter etc. Then one day by accident I noticed that when I took a nap and used it for my cover I felt energized and ready to go back and run the 2nd bootcamp of the day.
Fast forward to today I still use my my Lapa during my 4 AM meditations. I lay it across my eyes. The one I used across my whole body is now hole worn. I still keep it on my pillow for old times sake. My new lapa I got a few years ago and I use that across my eyes when I meditate. Or whenever I feel not centered I put it across my eyes, rest and I am re-centered.
Combined with my crystals, my crystal bracelets and my lapas I TOUCH MY SPIRIT. Whenever I forget that I am a "spiritual being having a human experience" they lead me back to my original self. They remind me that there is more. No matter how distant I feel from myself at times - they always bring me HOME.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Monday, October 17, 2016
October 17 - It's about what you know for sure
This was my view this morning as I came out to go to work.
I took the picture with my phone and I tried several times to get the picture to look like what I saw with my eyes....what I knew for sure.
Reflecting back on that moment this picture is like my life. I know for sure it is a picture of a full moon. I took the picture. I know what a full moon looks like. You can even go consult the Farmers almanac for the older people or google for the more computer savvy people. No matter what you consult you would know this morning there was a full moon. If you chose to google whether or not this was true then you could select IMAGES and you would see other people who posted their pictures of this mornings full moon.
If I passed this picture around without the explanation some of the things people said this picture could be are: a space ship, a street light, a blurred picture of a light comping from a building, nothing because your flash went off wrong. I'm not sure how many people would think to say this is a picture of a full moon. Now think about me trying to convince someone that yes, this is a full moon. I took the picture this morning. My family and friends may trust me however; go outside that small circle and people you meet would not believe you.
That is where I am today with my thoughts of my spiritual journey. It is my journey. I can see it with my own eyes. I can feel it: spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Despite what the picture looks like I know this morning I took my cellphone out and took this shot. At the end of the day my journey is not about proving my spiritual journey (what I see) or disproving someone else's spiritual journey. My journey is simply about, I saw the moon (my path) and I will follow it wherever it leads me no matter what anyone else interprets my journey as, or speaks on what type of person they think I am because I believe this is a picture of a full moon.
I'm about my business based on what I know for sure...
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Sunday, October 16, 2016
October 16 - Sick and tired of being sick and tired
Even when I knew it was coming; when it actually got here I was not prepared.
Last week I stumbled on a YouTube video about Spiritual/Reiki/Physical changing.
I listened with glee and I did some of the exercises during the week and could not wait to get to Reiki on Thursday so I could set my intention while I was receiving Reiki.
Of course at the end my teacher reminded us that the next week we could experience really intense things and to be gentle with ourselves.
Nothing can prepare you for it when it happens; no matter how much they try.
So here I sit in the thick of it. While I prepped my food for tomorrow I was laughing at myself. I thought back to 4 years ago when I was saying, why does change come through pain? Why can't I just say I want to change. Agree with wanting to change and walk into change. LOL.
Well, I am definitely sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am grateful SPIRIT showed me my teachers and the places I needed to be to get my growth before all this mess happened. I have my crystals, spirit guide - in voice - my guardian angel and my desire and I'm walking this thing out.
Even with all the pain my life is so beautiful right now. I am so grateful that the Universe/Spirit showed me this life. Led me here to where I would be open to them so I could change. The things I am experiencing and seeing have my mouth in a permanent O. Spirit has been opening my eyes to how I am putting myself in situations over and over again. Thinking I am doing and saying the right thing. Allowing myself to get in and out of my lane. Not keeping my boundaries and remembering how important they are. And then I fall out and cry - which throws me in a tail spin where I don't do the things I am supposed to do and I get frustrated when I am off my spiritual track. Today that didn't happened. I got my stuff done while I chuckled. Yes, I did roll my eyes when I realized I had to still write and post my blog. LOL. It would be easier to allow everyone to think I'm this Life Coach and I just blog about what YOU need to do. Nope! We learn and grow together. We get to call each other on our S*&t.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Even when I knew it was coming; when it actually got here I was not prepared.
Last week I stumbled on a YouTube video about Spiritual/Reiki/Physical changing.
I listened with glee and I did some of the exercises during the week and could not wait to get to Reiki on Thursday so I could set my intention while I was receiving Reiki.
Of course at the end my teacher reminded us that the next week we could experience really intense things and to be gentle with ourselves.
Nothing can prepare you for it when it happens; no matter how much they try.
So here I sit in the thick of it. While I prepped my food for tomorrow I was laughing at myself. I thought back to 4 years ago when I was saying, why does change come through pain? Why can't I just say I want to change. Agree with wanting to change and walk into change. LOL.
Well, I am definitely sick and tired of being sick and tired. I am grateful SPIRIT showed me my teachers and the places I needed to be to get my growth before all this mess happened. I have my crystals, spirit guide - in voice - my guardian angel and my desire and I'm walking this thing out.
Even with all the pain my life is so beautiful right now. I am so grateful that the Universe/Spirit showed me this life. Led me here to where I would be open to them so I could change. The things I am experiencing and seeing have my mouth in a permanent O. Spirit has been opening my eyes to how I am putting myself in situations over and over again. Thinking I am doing and saying the right thing. Allowing myself to get in and out of my lane. Not keeping my boundaries and remembering how important they are. And then I fall out and cry - which throws me in a tail spin where I don't do the things I am supposed to do and I get frustrated when I am off my spiritual track. Today that didn't happened. I got my stuff done while I chuckled. Yes, I did roll my eyes when I realized I had to still write and post my blog. LOL. It would be easier to allow everyone to think I'm this Life Coach and I just blog about what YOU need to do. Nope! We learn and grow together. We get to call each other on our S*&t.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Saturday, October 15, 2016
October 15 - Spiritual Immersion
I have been going full tilt since the end of May 2016. I knew I wanted to move to Atlanta and the drive in me to do so was spiritual. I knew something was here for me. I don't know why my spirit opened up and allowed healing in this time - but it did.
It has not been pretty and not been fun. I was doing meditation, yoga and Reiki. When I wasn't in a session I was listening to YouTube videos about Spirituality. My ego and ID were pissed I was confused, scared and at times thought I'd gone crazy. I have my degree in Psychology_Specialized Life Coach. I worked as a counselor and I was running the DSM V through my mind at night to diagnose myself instead of sleeping. I bought crystals and crystal bracelets. I carried the crystals with me; I slept with them under my pillow. I hiked with them and placed them on Stone Mountain.
I have been immersing myself in my Spiritual life.
Why? Cause this time I wanted it. This time it was life or death for me. I don't mean I was going to kill myself; I mean I was sick and tired of myself. Life was empty and I was tired of living my life like I was reading a script. My heart was black - I was soulless.
I have not arrived - there is no destination point on my spiritual journey. What I have gained over these past months is HOPE. I have HOPE in my soul now. There is something more to this life. I know it for myself; not following after someone else's path or plan or doctrine.
My spirit is on fire in me and I am in LOVE with the process; I'm in LOVE with my new awareness.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
It has not been pretty and not been fun. I was doing meditation, yoga and Reiki. When I wasn't in a session I was listening to YouTube videos about Spirituality. My ego and ID were pissed I was confused, scared and at times thought I'd gone crazy. I have my degree in Psychology_Specialized Life Coach. I worked as a counselor and I was running the DSM V through my mind at night to diagnose myself instead of sleeping. I bought crystals and crystal bracelets. I carried the crystals with me; I slept with them under my pillow. I hiked with them and placed them on Stone Mountain.
I have been immersing myself in my Spiritual life.
Why? Cause this time I wanted it. This time it was life or death for me. I don't mean I was going to kill myself; I mean I was sick and tired of myself. Life was empty and I was tired of living my life like I was reading a script. My heart was black - I was soulless.
I have not arrived - there is no destination point on my spiritual journey. What I have gained over these past months is HOPE. I have HOPE in my soul now. There is something more to this life. I know it for myself; not following after someone else's path or plan or doctrine.
My spirit is on fire in me and I am in LOVE with the process; I'm in LOVE with my new awareness.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Friday, October 14, 2016
October 14 - Take what you need
I found this on FB and thought is was a great idea. So I am passing it along to you.
Today when you have time take what you need and use it for yourself this weekend.
I hope it brings a smile to your face like it does mines every time I see it.
No matter what your title is - mines are: Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Ex-wife, Grandmother, Co-worker, Employee, Citizen, Female, Veteran, Life Coach, Former Military Brat, Friend, Best Friend, Triangle, Spiritual Sista - there are those times when I just need to take one of these tear offs. It was never hard for me to be transparent - I lived out loud. I figured if I told it all no one could blind side me and tell my business. There was nothing for me to be ashamed of. Why should I be ashamed and you shouldn't be? What has been hard for me to do, and I am learning how during this part of my spiritual walk is be VULNERABLE. See telling you who I am, telling you what I have done does not even come close to letting you know my intimate thoughts - hopes, dreams, fear etc.
As a Light worker I refuse to assist others if I can't even assist myself. I refuse to be anyone's everything. I refuse to be put on a pedestal by anyone. When you really love and care about people then you want them to go through their own ups and downs so they one day too can have their own spiritual journey.
So 'Take One' and play it forward.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Today when you have time take what you need and use it for yourself this weekend.
I hope it brings a smile to your face like it does mines every time I see it.
No matter what your title is - mines are: Daughter, Sister, Auntie, Ex-wife, Grandmother, Co-worker, Employee, Citizen, Female, Veteran, Life Coach, Former Military Brat, Friend, Best Friend, Triangle, Spiritual Sista - there are those times when I just need to take one of these tear offs. It was never hard for me to be transparent - I lived out loud. I figured if I told it all no one could blind side me and tell my business. There was nothing for me to be ashamed of. Why should I be ashamed and you shouldn't be? What has been hard for me to do, and I am learning how during this part of my spiritual walk is be VULNERABLE. See telling you who I am, telling you what I have done does not even come close to letting you know my intimate thoughts - hopes, dreams, fear etc.
As a Light worker I refuse to assist others if I can't even assist myself. I refuse to be anyone's everything. I refuse to be put on a pedestal by anyone. When you really love and care about people then you want them to go through their own ups and downs so they one day too can have their own spiritual journey.
So 'Take One' and play it forward.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Thursday, October 13, 2016
October 13 - Be Kind to Yourself
I have a Vision board door and a Vision board on my refrigerator.
A few days ago I was questioning being able to get everything in line that I needed to do for the next year to achieve my goals. Some how I went from my TO DO list which I love, to telling myself all the ways that I was blowing it. It happened so easily. From positive comments and excitement about my future to - Storm you are not cutting it!
And then something happened that usually never does without long text conversations with my sister - this affirmation came to my mind. I didn't write it out immediately, it took a day for me to do it. I woke up the next morning and thought about all the things I need to do and I said "put the sign up" so the next time you start questioning yourself you will have this reminder.
Just because you teach and help does not mean that your life is a bed of roses. I have had a few fitness clients who didn't want to train with me because I was recovering from an injury. I told them up front I could train them however; I could not do the workout with them. After their free session they declined to sign up with me. Back then it was a kick in the gut- I was real ego driven back then. Today I refuse to take clients who during their consultation believe the person helping them should be perfect or do the work for them. I refuse to trap myself. I am here for my clients - we are a team. We both learn lessons during their journey. We all have heard the Teacher appears when the student is ready. For me I enjoy my teachers flaws. It gives me hope that a flawed person like me can someday walk peacefully along my spiritual journey. It reminds me not to give up no matter how bad I feel.
Today if you can, notice if you get on your case more than you would a friend or family member who approached you with the same issue. If you notice that you are too hard on yourself start peeling back the layers and find out why. For me it was because I don't really in my heart of heart believe Spirit can overcome when I 'miss' the LESSON. When I mess up. It is a process to trust I can't mess my PURPOSE up. My belief is slowly changing, I am more open to being KIND TO MYSELF.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritiualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
October 12 - My Path
Tuesday was a tough day for me. I decided to stop studying meditation at the Buddhist Temple. I'd been thinking about leaving since the Peach March on September 24th. Up till then I was enjoying being at meditation in the park on Saturdays and then meditation on Tuesdays with a study group. I was so happy to be connected to my heart again that the only thing that mattered was being immersed in that spiritual environment. When I started having questions about what was I doing and why was I still there I chalked it up to not wanting to 'eat my vegetables'.
What I had to remember is that I'm on MY spiritual journey. No matter how much I am enjoying it; I still have to do what is right with me. I can't hide from what I really need to do with my life. There will be many more spiritual lessons that come in different type of ways. I will discover some and keep them and discover others and not keep them. I have to keep my need for attachment in perspective.
It's easy to be on the look out for bad things. We have been programmed to beware of the boggie man. We have not been programmed to beware of the good parts about your spiritual journey that may or may be yours to keep.
In the end a true teacher will want you to explore. A true creator will want you to explore. A true spiritual path is one that creates itself - is not defined by the allure of a feel good moment.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
October 11 - There is always a way.
As I walked the park today I looked down at this site. I saw the stairs going in different directions and still both sets led to the top of the park. I could see that the stairs led to the top however; if I was at the bottom I could see each staircase led up but was it to the top? Or just another level?
There was a period of time I was hard on calling Prophets, Psychics and Spiritual Advisers. I was always asking them what the future held. One of my spiritual Sisters spoke to me one day and gave me a spiritual spanking. I'd never told her I was consulting people. She said to stop doing it. I needed to know for myself that I could make it through whatever LIFE presented to me. Not keep going to people to see what was ahead so I could be prepared.
Today these stairs reminded me of that warning. Yes, at the TOP I could see that both staircases led to where I wanted to be but what would be my choice if I could only see part of the way up along with having to choose which staircase I would take. I know I am all in on this Spiritual journey. Daily different challenges come my way where I have to choose to stay with my spiritual growth or not. It is not getting easier, however I am becoming more aware. I can see clearer what is driving the situation so my choice is clear to stay in the spiritual lane. I do still have those thoughts. Like what I would have done or said. Now it doesn't raise my heart rate and visions flood my mind. It's more like a fleeting thought/feeling and me actively saying I'll change my thoughts and speak on something different. This is not what I desire for my life.
Today if you are able once you finish processing whatever the issue is in front of you, see if you can see that issue as a LESSON. If you are able to do that what are your thoughts and feelings. You don't have to act on it now, just consider.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Monday, October 10, 2016
October 10 - The unknown
Today a lot of things are crossing my mind. I guess I am taking a 2nd look at things I thought I knew for sure. Yesterday, I talked about boundaries and keeping them and how important they are. Today I am noticing how there are no absolutes. You can do everything right and your life still turns out in unexpected ways. There just is not any guarantee that what you want for yourself or believe for yourself is going to happen. To me it seems the human element will always be blamed. I didn't meditate enough, believe enough, study enough - focus on my spiritual self enough.
What about destiny, purpose? Can you change that?
What if your life was only what it is now? And no amount of spiritual study or insight can change that.
So, that leads to the question of why pursue spiritual insight at all?
For me, whether I can change the outcome of my life or not; it is still worth living a spiritual life. Each day has meaning and purpose for me - just in the moment. I have no expectations or conditional request of the universe. I believe whatever my life is- it will be what it is supposed to be regardless of the human element.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Sunday, October 9, 2016
October 9 - Boundaries
I have been working on keeping Boundaries with people. It has been tremendously hard. I have benefited so much from not having any boundaries. People in my family have been more than fair to me helping me over and over again. For years on top of years.
The past few years I have learned about Boundaries and how it is wrong to not have boundaries. You may think you are helping a person however; you are actually crippling them. It is so hard for me to say NO to people who need help - especially my kids.
I am now accountable for keeping boundaries. I can't say that I didn't know the damage it would cause anymore. I am responsible for the knowledge I have now. I have read the boundaries book and listen to it on I keep it in the front of my mind.
It is important for me to stay in my lane. The person who I think I am helping really needs the experience to be able to see themselves and grow. Nothing can stop the consequences of your actions. You have to have those consequences so you can grow. Stepping into a persons life so they don't have to have the consequences of their actions cripples them. In the short term it may help them however; in the long term it stunts their growth.
Seek your own path - wherever it may take you; it can not be wrong.
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Saturday, October 8, 2016
October 8 - I still think, I just don't ACT
Today Spirit brought to my remembrance just how I have changed.
I am able to process through my Spirit and not my EGO and ID.
At a time when they demanded Justice or at least my story be heard - this time it wasn't necessary.
I can't say for sure when the actual transition took place. I just know that 2 Reiki session ago a weight lifted off me and it felt like I got taller. I started to notice little things that used to bother me didn't. And when something that used to bother me tried - I was able to walk in my PURPOSE and not respond.
It takes work man! For real. You can't get what SPIRIT has for you if you don't commit to doing the work. Yes, this week I did skip out on my Meditation School. And I'm sure it will happen again during my journey. What didn't happen was I skipped my Yoga and Reiki session. In the past if I stopped doing one thing, everything would go. Today when I signed into my yoga class it was Day 1 Month 2. In all the years since my coach brought that little print out with cat/cow on it - I have never been able to stick with Yoga. I have NEVER made it through the whole month. So proud moment for me.
And it can be for you.
I'll save the horror stories for my YouTube channel how it sucks to transition from a Human being to a Spiritual being but in the meantime just TRY. Just put one foot in front of the other and get on with your Spiritual life. It's waiting on you - and I believe it's more than worth it.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Friday, October 7, 2016
October 7 - #OnPurpose
Are you living your LIFE on PURPOSE?
I created this business card over 2 years ago at a real low moment in my life. I knew what I could be however; I had zero ability to get myself there from where my choices had me at that time. I love being transparent. And I hate when you work as a counselor they teach you counter-transference and transference. Get the F*#K out of here with that Bulls%&t. That is just another way to keep clients in bondage and keep counselors from really helping people.
I'm so glad Spirit allowed me to see what was behind the Wizard of OZ curtain in mental health facilities. What Spirit allowed me to see and experience. The lessons Spirit had for me as I walked through my poor choices all lead me to be #OnPURPOSE.
No, I still don't have what I envision of my Storm Jackson Life Coach being. I'm still working a 9 - 5 and squeezing my spiritual lessons in. Right now at this moment not 1 single thing in my personal life is going right and my professional life in corporate is shaky - day to day at best.
And NONE of that matters!
Why? Because for the 1st time in my life I not only am #OnPURPOSE I have it in me to believe in my journey and know, no matter what happens this time I have what it takes to go through, over, around etc. and stay #OnPURPOSE.
I'm so grateful to my teachers: Meditation, Yoga & Reiki. My heart and awareness has been on 100 since starting this portion of my journey. I am grateful to my teachers for allowing me to BE in my journey. For not trying to smooth my way. Not telling me at 1 moment that it would get better, be better - nothing. Just allowing me to experience what my Spirit brought up. And boy has it been bringing up a lot. I listened to a YouTube video a few day ago and Spirit gave me a good spanking. Spirit let me know that I was allowing the same feelings that trapped me before to get ready to trap me again. Yes it was for a great reason. I was feeling panicked about a family member and I was on the hunt to KICK down doors and make things happen. Spirit stopped me dead in my tracks. No matter what the reason - good or not - we all have a PURPOSE and if we are willing we will fulfill it. It doesn't matter how bad another person's PURPOSE looks - Spirit is still in control and they will get their lesson.
So today, if you can, get back #OnPURPOSE or if you have not found it get around the people, places or things Spirit is prompting you to be around and get your #OnPURPOSE going. It will not be easy. What you believe is at stake and it is not going to allow you to get rid of it that easily. It can be done if you don't give up.
It has been worth it to me; and I would like to know if it is worth it to you.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
I created this business card over 2 years ago at a real low moment in my life. I knew what I could be however; I had zero ability to get myself there from where my choices had me at that time. I love being transparent. And I hate when you work as a counselor they teach you counter-transference and transference. Get the F*#K out of here with that Bulls%&t. That is just another way to keep clients in bondage and keep counselors from really helping people.
I'm so glad Spirit allowed me to see what was behind the Wizard of OZ curtain in mental health facilities. What Spirit allowed me to see and experience. The lessons Spirit had for me as I walked through my poor choices all lead me to be #OnPURPOSE.
No, I still don't have what I envision of my Storm Jackson Life Coach being. I'm still working a 9 - 5 and squeezing my spiritual lessons in. Right now at this moment not 1 single thing in my personal life is going right and my professional life in corporate is shaky - day to day at best.
And NONE of that matters!
Why? Because for the 1st time in my life I not only am #OnPURPOSE I have it in me to believe in my journey and know, no matter what happens this time I have what it takes to go through, over, around etc. and stay #OnPURPOSE.
I'm so grateful to my teachers: Meditation, Yoga & Reiki. My heart and awareness has been on 100 since starting this portion of my journey. I am grateful to my teachers for allowing me to BE in my journey. For not trying to smooth my way. Not telling me at 1 moment that it would get better, be better - nothing. Just allowing me to experience what my Spirit brought up. And boy has it been bringing up a lot. I listened to a YouTube video a few day ago and Spirit gave me a good spanking. Spirit let me know that I was allowing the same feelings that trapped me before to get ready to trap me again. Yes it was for a great reason. I was feeling panicked about a family member and I was on the hunt to KICK down doors and make things happen. Spirit stopped me dead in my tracks. No matter what the reason - good or not - we all have a PURPOSE and if we are willing we will fulfill it. It doesn't matter how bad another person's PURPOSE looks - Spirit is still in control and they will get their lesson.
So today, if you can, get back #OnPURPOSE or if you have not found it get around the people, places or things Spirit is prompting you to be around and get your #OnPURPOSE going. It will not be easy. What you believe is at stake and it is not going to allow you to get rid of it that easily. It can be done if you don't give up.
It has been worth it to me; and I would like to know if it is worth it to you.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Thursday, October 6, 2016
October 6 - Are you drinking the Kool Aid?
Drinking the Kool Aid?
That has been the thought in my mind for the past few weeks.
I have really enjoyed doing Meditation, Yoga and Reiki. Now that the honey moon period is over and I'm at the 'eat your vegetables stage I'm starting to hear the part I don't like about being spiritual. The part that sound like Religion.
Whoever created me; did so in a manner where only I know how and what my spirit needs. I get to choose what feeds me and how I practice. I am ok with hearing other peoples views I am just not ok with "if you don't do it this way, then you can't achieve the spiritual connection you need.
So my thought today is no matter how much you need a spiritual life be willing to invest in yourself and find what really works for you. Whatever you try is giving you more insight and it can't harm you. Whoever created you has to have thick enough skin to know you are a human being along with being a spiritual being and you will try different things to see what works for you.
I know what I want spiritually. I am in the process of creating a practice that will aid me in my journey. I enjoy my yoga, meditation and Reiki I just have to tune out some of the lectures and dogma that go along with it. I'm being taught by humans so I know their views spill over into their teaching.
I appreciate my teachers. I appreciate the lessons. I appreciate the freedom to discover what works for me spiritually.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Wednesday, October 5, 2016
October 5
I used to work as a Drug and Alcohol Counselor - Residential treatment. I knew I wanted to work as a Life Coach however; the need for money drove me to work as a Counselor thinking I could work as a Life Coach in the evening. I was so wrong because being a Counselor almost destroyed my humanity. I could not believe what I saw being done to people who were helpless and disenfranchised. I now know I needed to see it so I would NEVER refer anyone to Drug and Alcohol treatment. Medical advances have made it possible for anyone in addiction to DETOX in 3 days or less. From there it is all about your support system. No need to be in residential treatment. No need to be misdiagnosed/half diagnosed to fulfill a quota so the company can get paid. No need to be treated by professionals who admit they were once drug addicts or alcoholics and some how miraculously they are able to come through treatment and go back to work - beat the odds/not be a statistic however; you as the patient are stuck. You are fed hopelessness and if you try to feel better quicker you are told that you have some type of mental illness and they quote the statistics to you.
We each experience different things; if you allow them to they will guide you to your PURPOSE and keep you headed in the direction of your change. It was a hard pill to swallow learning mines however; today I am so grateful.
#SpeakLyfe was birthed from that experience. As I work as a Life Coach I believe 100% in my clients ability to tap into their Spiritual self and be able to navigate any issue as a LESSON and not a Mental Illness that needs hospitalization and or medication. All those may be necessary to get stabilized however; no one has the right to tell you that it is the only option you will ever have.
In the end it is all going to take work. You have to do your work and I have to do mines regardless of my title or education. It's all a process and each of us will slip, trip and fall many times before we ever successfully complete one step. And that is ok. I believe I am a "Spiritual being having a Human experience" and this is all a part of that journey. I may not be where another person is along their journey however; it does not mean they are better than me or have the right to speak negative into my life.
Here's to the journey...
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock #NoPasses
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
October 4
Today I tried to post in my blog only to realize today is the 1 year anniversary of my posting. I am so amazed. Queen Afua - (look her up on FB) was in Sister2Sister magazine and it was my b-day weekend. I was flipping through the pages feeling really low. I'd just quit my job a few weeks before. I was in financial distress because of my decisions to help people while I was transitioning. I allowed someone I loved to come back into my life before either of us were ready or had done the work. I was treading water and sinking fast. The article on Queen Afua said she had a teleconference going on that night at 7 pm along with offering a free consultation. Long story short one of the things Queen Afua told me to do was this blog. She said what could I do now; that didn't cost money and still was business related. I had a few dollars in my account so I ordered business cards, attended her weekly free teleconference and went back to writing in this blog. First I started posting pictures along with my daily affirmations on FB then I switched over to posting what I thought about the affirmation on my blog and linked it to FB, Twitter, Pintrest, Google+ and Instagram.Fast forward to today and I am celebrating not only 1 year of posting on my blog but also being here in Atlanta where I wanted to be since September 2013. I am having the most spiritual growth I have ever had in my life. I am doing exactly what I dreamed of doing back in 2014 when I was feeling so low and stumbled upon Queen Afua. I could never have imagined I would be where I am today. I didn't even have faith enough to believe I would be here. All I did was take one little baby step and a whole lot of stumbling and back tracking.
There are so many great & wonderful things I have in store for this blog. I am happy to be in the realm where I can see the other parts of my business as a possibility.
In the meantime. I wish for all of you to walk in your PURPOSE. If you know this is your desire why not take a baby step today? Do something. Anything that shows you know your life is meant for more than where you are at now!
Thank you all for your support over the year for the blog and the past 2 years for FB. I appreciate each and every LIKE. I am so grateful each time I log in and it shows how many views my blog has gotten.
Your support has been priceless to my spiritual and business growth.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Monday, October 3, 2016
October 3
The rear view mirror is just for seeing if you can navigate your car safely through what is behind you. You do not drive your car forward using that mirror. The same goes for your life. Looking back is just for the lesson; not rewriting your history.
If you have to look back always look for the LESSON. Do not look back to justify or explain what you did to yourself or anyone else. There are too many dynamics to say if you made a different decision things would have been better. The only mind set you had at the time was the mind set you made that decision with.
Your PRESENT and FUTURE are more important than your PAST. Invest your time in your PRESENT. Who are you NOW? How are you handling your life NOW? Are you doing the things you need to do to have the LIFE you want? If you are then the PAST is just a fleeting memory.
Have a 'look in the past' story and want to share?
Chime in.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
If you have to look back always look for the LESSON. Do not look back to justify or explain what you did to yourself or anyone else. There are too many dynamics to say if you made a different decision things would have been better. The only mind set you had at the time was the mind set you made that decision with.
Your PRESENT and FUTURE are more important than your PAST. Invest your time in your PRESENT. Who are you NOW? How are you handling your life NOW? Are you doing the things you need to do to have the LIFE you want? If you are then the PAST is just a fleeting memory.
Have a 'look in the past' story and want to share?
Chime in.
Peace & Love
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Sunday, October 2, 2016
October 2
As I learn that everything is a lesson for my SPIRIT man I am moving away from calling things negative. At the same time because nothing really NEGATIVE has happened to me I can see where it's easy for me to say this.
Part of my personal journey is to live more from the insight of my Spirit man than from my human view. The human in me sees positive and negative. It sees bad people and good people. It judges and is hypocritical. It also is my goal to see the issue or person in front of me as my reflection along with the shoe being on the other foot. In my mind there has to be something more to this life. There is no way to protect myself from anything I think of as bad. Even when I make better choices there is always something unexpected that happens.
For the sake of this affirmation today, if you can. Open your awareness to seeing whatever you call NEGATIVE is now your teacher. A teacher you asked for so you can grow to be who you were really meant to be.
Have a 'change then negative' story and want to share?
Chime in.
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Part of my personal journey is to live more from the insight of my Spirit man than from my human view. The human in me sees positive and negative. It sees bad people and good people. It judges and is hypocritical. It also is my goal to see the issue or person in front of me as my reflection along with the shoe being on the other foot. In my mind there has to be something more to this life. There is no way to protect myself from anything I think of as bad. Even when I make better choices there is always something unexpected that happens.
For the sake of this affirmation today, if you can. Open your awareness to seeing whatever you call NEGATIVE is now your teacher. A teacher you asked for so you can grow to be who you were really meant to be.
Have a 'change then negative' story and want to share?
Chime in.
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
Saturday, October 1, 2016
October 1
Perfection or the desire to be perfect can really mess up your spiritual journey.
Again the spirit presents opportunities for you to LEARN. Your Ego and ID view the journey as something you have to do right or get right.
Your journey is your journey. There is no right or wrong. You made whatever choice you did at the time because you needed that lesson. You couldn't have made a different decision even if you went back in time. Your choices were your choices because that is where your mind was at the time.
The only way you won't get your growth is if you quit. You are the only person that can delay or stop your growth. And even then since you are a Spiritual being that never dies - your lesson will be waiting on you whatever your 'after you leave this earth' belief is.
In the end stay true to yourself and your PURPOSE. You will find your way. You will get your growth.
Have a 'I should have made a different choice' story and want to share?
Chime in.
#SpeakLyfe #SpiritualPSA #SpiritualSistasRock
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