Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 4

We are all on our individual journeys. In our own season moving along on our own timelines.  Just because you meet and perhaps travel with someone during that time doesn't mean their journey, season or timeline becomes yours.  Don't be swayed and directed by another person's path.  This can easily happen if you feel what you are going through is too hard - too much - not fair.  This point is where you need to stay; YOUR COURSE.  This is a signal you are on the 'track of your change',  'on the path of your truth' - being revealed to you.  – Storm Perry Jackson

Have you ever been at this point?

You are going through your stuff and then here comes a person, job, bff etc. that seems like they understand where you are and what you are going through?  At certain times it's ok. We all need that boost.  If you are really about your CHANGE you know when you are using that person to escape your own season.  

I'm guilty.

I have too many stories of how I got off track with a person - usually a new love interest!  And I just knew their vibe was vibing with mines. And then I look up and 2 years or more have just flown by and I am no closer to my spiritual goal than before. I may even at times be what I consider several steps back.  After it is all said and done I can look back and see clearly each turn I took that wasn't mines.

So the question is, how do you know the difference?

For me it's my relationship with God/Universe. The more time I invest in that relationship the easier it is for me to hear what is for me and what is not.  It is still challenging.  I can want something to be 'it' so BAD that I fool myself into believing what isn't there. 

The key thing is when you find yourself off track, STOP.  Go back to where you last remember: your meditation, your alone time, your workout time, your schedule.  Whatever place you see you stopped doing what you usually do that makes you feel whole and on track go back to it.  That is where you will find your LANE.  Jump back on it and keep

You have an 'OUT OF MY LANE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

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