Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21

Everyone is dealing with something.
That person you think has it all together can have anything going on in their life.
A person you think you would trade places with would gladly switch with you.

I remember first starting out as a personal trainer. I was so excited.  Then I got to see behind the Wizard of OZ green curtain.  I saw how trainers were using all types of substances to get their results and killing their clients and berating them to do more when they themselves were not even doing what they recommended.  I remember them over selling fitness packages by using their muscles and looks.  I know it's something to every job; I just wanted to point out that you can't go by what you see in another's person's life from the outside.

There is not a human alive that doesn't wake up to something they wish were different  There is not a person alive who can change the past or make time or circumstance move at their command.

We are here to help and encourage each other through our experiences.  We are not here to look up to other people as having the answers to our lives or allow people to look up to us as if we have the answers.

Each of us have to go through our season so we can grow to be the Spiritual being God created us to be. We each have unique challenges that will only create us. That same challenge will produce different growth in another person.

When the student is ready; the teacher will manifest.

You have a 'THEY LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

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