Monday, March 17, 2014

Don't shoot the MESSENGER...

Have you ever experienced what seemed to be a negative situation and at the end of it - once you are on the other side - you see if that negative situation did not happen you would not be where you are now?

                                Ok, this may be confusing so let me give an example...

1.  Mike is  your boss.  He is over bearing and spiteful along with being chauvinistic.  You work hard at your job and do it well however; Mike is never satisfied.
2.  You come to work each day with a positive attitude and each day you are greeted by the same old 'Mike'.
3.  One thing you and 'Mike' have in common - shockingly so - is the spiritual.  You have overheard him on several occasions speaking about a spiritual leader who you are also interested in.
4.  You find yourself talking to 'Mike' about the spiritual leader and their different books, webcasts, tv appearances etc.  You learn from 'Mike' the the spiritual leader is actually doing a study session and  you join the study session and low and behold you become more awake and your path becomes clearer.

Now, the question is: 
1.  Would you have found the spiritual leader information if it had not been for 'Mike'?
2.  Looking back, what spiritual practices did  you have to do to put up with 'Mike'? (Example meditation 30 minutes before work; breathing exercise before you walk in the office.)
3.  Would you have done those practices if you did not have to face 'Mike' each day?

What you are seeking is seeking you.  Yes, you would have found the spiritual leader if you never knew 'Mike'.  The key is that you want what your true purpose in life is.  To be able to see it you need to have certain experiences to sensitize you.  'Mike' was just the messenger.  Through interacting with him you were able to see those areas that may hold you back as you function in your true purpose.

So the next time you encounter a 'Mike' think positive.  Remember the Universe/God - whoever you claim created you - is only interested in your GOOD.  "Life is FOR you and not AGAINST you" per Dr. Bernard Beckwith.

Your TRUE PURPOSE awaits...

Peace Storm

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