Saturday, October 31, 2015

October 31

I never fit in - ever; even to this day I don't fit in.
I understand it now that I was always closer to the Spiritual realm than the physical. When I was around 15 years old my family changed from being all the other faiths to Pentecostal.  My gifts started to manifest in that environment however; I didn't understand what it was and neither did anyone around me.

Even with all that has happened to me during my life it is still up to me to heed the call to CHANGE.  I can search on the outside forever however; the calling is coming from my spirit.  It recognizes things in the physical realm and the lessons they are bringing to my life and it is calling me to change.

Change is never at an opportune time for the one called to change; and that is where you faith comes it. You have to invest yourself in your relationship with the one who created you so you know which way to go when what you believe is negative appears in your life.

I've said before that I've lamented that change is only issued forth in my life out of PAIN.  I hate that for myself and  I hate it for others.  I don't understand why my change doesn't come through other ways and that is OK now.   I was recently challenged in my beliefs when one of my children had an issue in their lives.  It showed me and asked me what I really believed.  Did I believe God in all situations or just the ones that didn't include my children. At the end of the day I sided with God in all situations - even my children.  He loves them more than I even know how and I accept whatever is manifesting in their life is just like mines - because the ONE who created them said it was OK.

I'm not saying this way is easy; I am simply saying to me it is more than worth it!

On a side note you may be trying to figure out what my belief system is.  I have none.  I use the word God/Universe interchangeably because I continue to have experiences and am called to assist people of so many walks of life that sticking to a belief or name does not allow them to heal nor me to act in my gift.  Each time I have journeyed with a person they have found their own name for their experience and who acted on their behalf. And that is the best way because they walk away knowing that they are their source and not me.  I was just the midwife in the room.  I know that I was created and I answer and believe in the ONE who created me.  My gift is that I am open to everyone - what is more important than a person believing what I believe is that they find what THEY believe in and I am not in their way.  I believe if you are lead to this blog; to my Life Coach business then you are ready to change. And if that call to you is to birth your PURPOSE/DESTINY then I am the one in the maturity ward with you - and all that requires is what is given to me - the spiritual gifts of peace, forgiveness and unconditional love while you find your TRUTH.

You have a  'SEARCHING FOR YOURSELFstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30

Ever'body canin't go. Plain and simple.

This is a difficult one for me.

I still have not come to terms with it.

God has allowed people for one reason or another to not be in my life anymore. I have to admit my life is more peaceful than it has ever been. I have learned more about myself in these last 3 years of people exiting my life than I have in the 17 years prior.  I am grateful for the peace and how God has restored my life over the last year however; I am missing terribly the people who are gone.  God has shown me over and over again on different occasions that the people who are gone from my life need to be gone and they don't need to be back in my life the way they used to be.  It still hurts; and on some days missing them just brings tears to my eyes.

It's hard to see that God has more people out there who can more than fill the void the other left however; I question why not have forgiveness and unconditional love work in these relationships.  I know why in my head because relationships are a two way street - the other person(s) has to want to work through issues too but my heart is just sad at the truth.

The good thing is my Spiritual journey over the past 3 years has gotten me rooted in my lane; and the times when I start to veer into other peoples lanes then God is able to get me back in my lane. I am more sensitive to His will in my life. I can't see the BIG picture and a lot of it's pieces however; I know it is a picture there and I trust God to bring it into focus for me.  I know it's important for me to walk out the parts God has allowed me to see so I will be ready for the rest.

Peace is a beautiful thing.  Walking in my new life is a beautiful thing.
I trust that God knows the people who are supposed to be in my life and I trust His insight.

You have a  'EVER'BODY CAIN'T GOstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to believe that the dark, heaviness you feel in your life right now will eventually go away.  It can become hard to continue with the Spiritual practices you did when things were not so dark.

This is the moment of growth.  Your TRUE SELF is the person you are when you are going through difficult situations.  LIFE is appearing to challenge you because it is time for you to change.  The situation you are currently in was brought about because your TRUE SELF wants to grow and sees it as an opportunity - not a negative.

I have realized during the past 3 years of my change/shift that it all comes down to do I really believe what I say I believe. As a Life Coach it would be easy to be side tracked by helping people and not dealing with my own issues.  People easily put you above them when you are in the HELP/HEALING field.  It has been my commitment to be transparent and to only help people who come to me for help knowing I have my own issues and flaws and just because I can help them through one thing does not mean I am problemless.

We all help each other heal.
It is challenging to see your own healing at times and that is when a Life Coach can help you. When you talk you are speaking your own answers. As a Life Coach I repeat back the answers you have spoken and I journey with you while you put those answers into play in your life.

You have a  'DARK DAY'Sstory and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

October 28

Nothing is ever on the outside.

It is always on the inside.

When it is your time to CHANGE then you have to go within to see what you need to change about yourself. It will always be tempting to look at the outside.  It's hard to change when everything on the outside is the same.  God knew it would be this way and still He asked you to change.  Hard does not mean QUIT neither does it mean operate in SELF-DECEPTION.  It is always a reason why outside forces are against you - or appear to be against you.  Your challenge is not to pay attention to them and focus on the parts of  you that come out when you are faced with what you perceive to be negative.  It's like a hidden treasure is in whatever is challenging you.

I found the closer the relationship that is challenging me is, the more tempted I am to focus on the outside.  It does not matter if you are RIGHT or WRONG in the OUTSIDE situation. The important thing is as a Spiritual Being you are called to address it in the Spiritual Realm and not the Physical realm.  Think about the story of Adam and Eve.  Who got in more trouble?  Adam. Why? Because God gave the direct order to Adam - he was responsible for Eve and everything in the garden.  That is the way it is with a Spiritual Being. God does not ask you to recount the flaws or what you perceive are negative points of another person or situation. What God wants to know if you are ready to change or not.  God is not going to beg you to change. And He does not have to explain anything to you.  You are required to walk by Faith or forget about changing.

You have an  'OUTSIDE IS AT FAULT' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

October 27

Man, I remember like it was yesterday when God showed me how He saw me.  I must have cried for 8 months.  I was embarrassed and felt soooo bad.  I really thought I had the answer by protecting myself from ever being hurt again by 1.  Being Mean and 2. getting people and hurting them first. When God revealed to me how I really looked; I was devastated.

And then I got angry with God.
I felt like He left me without an option. After all, He could have stopped everything from happening to me that happened and He didn't!  I cursed Him and blamed Him and told Him I was already in hell so what did I have to lose.  After my brat attack I heard God calmly speak to me and just ask me to trust Him.

I did and I have not looked back.

I had no idea 20 years ago that all that pain would lead to this wonderful Spiritual journey I am on now.  It has not been easy however; each time I am able to see what I believed as negative as a lesson  I grow and my eyes lose more scales off them. I was introduced to IMAGO Therapy by my Therapist and  it helped me understand that I was drawing things to me to heal those hurt broken places.

I remember having a conversation with my friend at the time and asking why does growth have to come from pain.  I remember them saying  that it is the only way you can grow. I fought that for the longest time but then my life started crashing and burning 3 years ago and I had to either accept the pain or be taken under.  I am not saying it is not hard; however it is a process and it is necessary.

At the end of the day I am so grateful to God for adjusting my rose colored glasses and healing my black heart.  Life is so much better for me this way.  God loves me and He is my protection and my refuge.  If anything ever hurts me - I know God has said I will be alright first.  I will make it through. (SMILE)

You have a  'PAIN' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26

As you see from my picture I am an African American woman.
And I used to be a Bitter Black Woman.  A BBB!
I bit everyone's head off and I struck first before anyone could say anything to hurt me.
I was loud. angry, mean, manipulative and hurtful.  I did it on purpose; deliberately and I was not sorry.  I could sniff out a weakness in a person and I'd just ride that weakness.  I pretended to care so that person would let their guard down and then WHAM! I'd let them have it.

As I started to transform I noticed the same type of women were always around me for some reason or other.  I was trying to run away from them and they always were there.  I'd never help a woman like me.  I felt like you'd help them and they'd turn on you. The same way I was.  Can you say KARMA!

I remember one time I was going in the bank on my way out of town.  I had my car loaded with furniture and this African American woman stormed out the bank and headed right for me.  I looked for an escape route; and started back towards my car. She started calling me, "Sister, Sister can I talk to you".  I stopped walking to my car and we actually wound up talking for 2 hours. She was going through a hard time and she just needed someone to talk to.  Over time I stopped running from women who were just like me.  I realized who better to deal with women like me than someone who used to be like that.  I am always straight, no chaser so if you ask me for help; you'd better be ready to do the work! I actually met my best friend that way. I was working in a running store and this couple came in. I didn't know if they were a couple or he was her trainer.  I found out later he was her husband trying to help her get workout gear.  She was mad as a hornet.  She is actually 4" shorter than me but that day she look big and mean and I spent  several minutes running from her in the store.  Eventually, I could run no more and started talking to her and helping her.  We wound up exchanging numbers - I don't know why; God moves in mysterious ways - and we have been best  friends ever since. We co-created a spiritual group called The Triangle.  I am Auntie to her 3 kids.

Each of the women were ready to change. That is why God/Universe allowed us to come in contact with each other.  I just had to get past the outside and the attitude to see the real hurt and pain of these wonderful women.  And that is part of my gift. Hurt people hurt people.  As a Life Coach it's my job to LISTEN and hear behind the attitude, the hurt, pain disappointment and anything else the person is trying to hide.  At the end of the day they really want to be healed; they just need the space, love and understanding to start.

You have a  'FIGHT THE HELP ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Sunday, October 25, 2015

October 25

Another funny one.
I still can't believe I wrote all these 10 years ago.
It is a testament to  God.  Time is nothing to Him.

I started transitioning back around 1994/1995.
I was in my room in Baltimore, MD standing there and I heard God call my name - not the name I use now; the name I was born with.  He said that was ENOUGH!  I was shaking.  It was no way to deny the voice; believe you me I wish it was just the pizza.  I know it was midday.  I was not sleeping and I don't do drugs and I had not been drinking.

After that experience I visualize myself standing in my own footprints and I turn and starting going the other direction.  I didn't know anything about what I needed to do; I just knew to not go that way anymore.

So here is where the quote comes in.  You NEVER had to ask me was I in my lane.  I was only changing for myself.  I had heard God and I was 100% focused on myself.  Add to that I grew up spoiled and I just didn't have any room for being in anyone else's lane for any reason.  I could not see anyone but myself and I didn't want to.

God has to have a sense of humor because in the course of my transition I became someone who helps people.  Who knew!  My friends laugh at me all the time when I journey with them. They say you have to write down what I tell them because once the conversation is over I don't know what I said.  I don't know how I helped the person.  In the early years I was afraid of my gift. I questioned God if He made the right choice in choosing me.  I was honest with Him and asked Him didn't He know that I would be on the Infomercial selling my gift for a mere $99.95.  Didn't He know I would betray Him.  His answer to me was that is why He chose me.  Who else would admit that to God?  Who else would confess their heart. So with that I continue with my gift as a Life Coach/Change Agent/Speaker of Life - whatever name you want to call me.

I have met so many people and had so many unique experiences that I have stopped questioning God when He brings someone in my life.  I simply speak the message He gives me for that person and move along. I have learned the hard way that messengers come in beautiful packages so now I ask the person are you a messenger prior to getting involved with them.  LOL. I steer people away from me because now I know they are drawn by the light of God in me; not to me. If people really knew my heart they would run away.  I am wonderfully flawed.  I wear my flaws 1st lest someone think that I am something I am not. I have failed on so many levels; I am in need of forgiveness all the time.  I am the hard head soft behind transition person. So don't be fooled. If you are drawn by my blog it is for a reason.  I'd tell you to run - however; when your gift is ready to manifest it makes sense you are reading.  You are in the maternity ward about to deliver and God (or whatever name you call who created you) has lead you here.

In closing I have read about boundaries now (Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend) and I understand staying in my lane.  I understand that whatever a person is going through is their moment to transition and I would only impede/delay their growth if I get in their lane to do what I believe is helping.  I am still learning however; understanding boundaries helps me walk in my gift and heal myself as I share my gift.

You have an 'OUT YOUR LANE ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Saturday, October 24, 2015

October 24

Fear taking root.
I finished listening to Destiny by TD Jakes.  And the last 45 minutes or so was like an instruction book.

I have been struggling with the loss of friends, family, left a job I hated, victim of domestic violence, lost my apartment and fiancé on top of that illness of a child.  In the dark moments I was asking that one question WHY.  I knew I would never allow anything to get in between my relationship with God however; I was in so much emotional, mental and spiritual pain that WHY was ringing in my ears.  In the online book Destiny, TD Jakes said in closing that God may never tell you why. And He said to get a strategy. Your strategy would lead you in the direction of your Destiny. You had too many things to do in your strategy to focus on the WHY. God is under no obligation to tell you WHY.

I have heard what he talked about in his book before however; I was getting stuck in the WHY. And I kept having different daydreams about each situation. What I would say to this person or that. What I should have done.  My mind was driving me crazy.  I was locked in an internal loop - again.  For some reason I got it today.  I heard God and I felt that moment where I was ready to walk away from the WHY and continue my journey in a more PEACEFUL manner.

Once that release came I started thinking about how many things I need to do NOW.  How many things God had already given me to do that were in my DESTINY/PURPOSE path.  I was like WOW - so much to do.  I really don't have time to think on the past unless it's about a LESSON.  I don't have time to mourn the people that have gone from my life. Even as I added up the things I need to do I was like if God allows me to live another day it looks like so much to do all the way into 2016.  The excitement started to come over me and I was so thankful to God. He really knows the timing of everything. The right time.

I needed to see and know things for myself. I always always get off track because of a relationship. Whether it is a romantic relationship, family relationship, issue with my grown children, work relationship or fitness relationship.  God showed me how I was getting in my own way; how I was just standing in the middle of my DESTINY/PURPOSE and not making any progress because I was too busy looking back, asking why or trying to relive the situation in my mind.

Now that He showed me in Technicolor what I was doing to my own life I feel different about going forward and changing. The stumbling blocks will not go away however; now I feel ready to climb over them and not stop and investigate them.

I am grateful.
I am feeling more peaceful.

You have a 'FEAR ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23

My difficult issue is running about 3 + years right now.  It all started January 22, 2015 when I reached out to my Spiritual Advisor and she told me I was standing in my own way.  I didn't believe her so I went and told my Dad(GOD) and guess what. As soon as I said God show me; I want my life to be whole life commenced to falling apart! No joke.  And yes, my Spiritual Advisor was right.  I was dead smack in my own way!

It has been a long painful journey and yes the days that are better are adding up however; it is still challenging. Now I use those hard days as Gratitude Days.  Each day as I walk 7 - 10 minutes from the parking lot to my job I talk to God and tell Him how I am so grateful in an itemized list.  I also listen to a lot of self-help books and podcasts.  I meditate 1 hour each morning and I do my Crossfit 5x a week. I am still working on eating healthier.

The change is still there and the things I've added to my daily life help me navigate what I perceive as ups and downs.

I am grateful that my eyes are open now.  Yes, on some days I am really sad and miss certain people in my life.  I do the should and wishing that things were different.  I know things can never be the same and on some days I'm glad they never can; and on others I'm going through my tissue box.

I desire to have the life God has created for me.  It's up to me to use my mustard seed faith to get to it. God has done His part and as much as He loves me He can't BELIEVE in my PURPOSE for me.

The ball is in my court!

You have a CHANGE IS HARD ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Thursday, October 22, 2015

October 22

Ok, had to pick myself off the floor from laughing at this one.

I always, always wanted everything now! Not now but RIGHT NOW!

And I can't say that I have changed that much.

No matter how much I want things right now and no matter how much I do or don't do - nothing happens until God opens the doors.  I have gotten myself in plenty of situations because I just had to kick a closed door in. If I couldn't kick it in then I jimmied the lock on the window.  At the end of the day it usually amounted to something I didn't need for my business or wish I'd never done.

God rarely comes the way I think He is going to come.
So now I try - emphasis on try - to not rush in before God. To allow Him to show me His will. (Did I say that with a straight face???).

I guess this quote is harder to speak on.
I'm still in this Lesson.
Each day God allows me to wake up - then I have another opportunity to be Patient!

You have a 'WANT IT NOW ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

October 21

Everyone is dealing with something.
That person you think has it all together can have anything going on in their life.
A person you think you would trade places with would gladly switch with you.

I remember first starting out as a personal trainer. I was so excited.  Then I got to see behind the Wizard of OZ green curtain.  I saw how trainers were using all types of substances to get their results and killing their clients and berating them to do more when they themselves were not even doing what they recommended.  I remember them over selling fitness packages by using their muscles and looks.  I know it's something to every job; I just wanted to point out that you can't go by what you see in another's person's life from the outside.

There is not a human alive that doesn't wake up to something they wish were different  There is not a person alive who can change the past or make time or circumstance move at their command.

We are here to help and encourage each other through our experiences.  We are not here to look up to other people as having the answers to our lives or allow people to look up to us as if we have the answers.

Each of us have to go through our season so we can grow to be the Spiritual being God created us to be. We each have unique challenges that will only create us. That same challenge will produce different growth in another person.

When the student is ready; the teacher will manifest.

You have a 'THEY LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE IT ALL TOGETHER ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

October 20

I am enough.
I am all that I need for my PURPOSE.
Easy for me to say these words; hard for me to live by sometimes.
It's a journey.  Each day that I wake up I am in my PURPOSE.
I am doing what I am called to do.

In looking for the big thing in my PURPOSE I have to remember the small things that make up my PURPOSE.  Like not quitting.  Believing when it seems like nothing is going my way.  Helping other people. Not participating in my anger by putting it out in the world.  Loving myself and being kind to myself.

All these things to me are my journey - my PURPOSE.

There is no RIGHT way in my PURPOSE. No WRONG way in my PURPOSE.
As my relationship with God increases and I get closer to Him I understand my life better as a Spiritual being.

And that comforts me.

You have an 'I AM ENOUGH' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19

Please get off my toes!
Did I write this?
It's hard to believe I did write this 10 years ago.
God has a mirror for you no matter how long you take to look in it.

All I can say is guilty as charged.
And I keep my mirror handy now; and I love the Micheal Jackson song 'Man in the Mirror'.
The truth hurts however; in my mind it is the only way I am going to heal.
And I want to heal.
No matter how painful, I want to heal.
I rest in the fact that God said He would not put more on me than I can bear - even when I am the person who messed up.
Yes, it is hard to believe at times no matter how bad I mess up that God can still put things together so that they work for my good.
On days even the mustard seed faith looks like an impossible thing however; God keeps me and He sends different messengers to me in all shapes, forms and media to encourage me.

Quitting is not an option for me any longer.
I am worth walking out my PURPOSE and that is the desire of my heart.

You have a 'STUMBLING BLOCK' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Sunday, October 18, 2015

October 18

Haters Hate!
Plain and simple.
They are doing what they are supposed to do.

I was flipping through the channels last Sunday and stumbled upon TD Jakes.  He was speaking in a message called #secretagentsofchange.  In it he explained how there are people sent after you; not to kill you but to do everything else to you. They do not want you to die because then you would with God; they do on the other hand want to keep you from manifesting your DESTINY - walking in your PURPOSE.

I had a couple of recent situations that his message brought some clarity to.  I still don't quite understand why it has to be that way or how those people can allow themselves to be used in a negative situation against me but at least after his message I can work on my part which is paying them NO mind and continuing on my PURPOSE.

The part I did like was looking at how God/Universe can use anyone or anybody to elevate me to my next step.  I remember when I found the book  'A New Earth' by Eckhart Tolle.  Oprah at the time was doing her life classes and he was to be a featured teacher.  I happened to be talking about that episode with someone who I really disliked but had to put up with. Each week we wound up talking about the episode.  I actually watched the episode only to have something to say back to that person.  If it had not been for that adverse situation I was in at the time I would never have notice the book or the show on Oprah.

That was many many years ago and whenever I feel off and put out I can remember other times where if there wasn't someone being negative to me - hating or just mean I would never have gone in search of solace or change.

I'm actually in the mist of 2 right now. 1. I hated my job and August 18, 2014 I said Bye Felecia and 2. I was having a rough time letting go of a relationship and could not decide how to handle being 100% out - this person said some not so nice things to me and I was like what am I doing listening to this crap? I went and joined CrossFit Blue Cord and I just signed up for my 4th consecutive session.  Yeah me!

In the end I am not cool with all this hurt and pain and hater and mean stuff propelling me forward in my PURPOSE however; the alternative would be it propelling my backwards. And that is not an option for me.

You have a 'Hater' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Saturday, October 17, 2015

October 17

I've mentioned FEAR before however; this FEAR is of FAILURE.

If I do this and then it doesn't work. Or was it really my hearing God or just too much pizza?

And then there are the voices in my head of what I think my family members will say.

I remember I was so proud of my 1st business.
To this day it is such a miracle how it happened.
I'd just hurt my back while training and could hardly moved.  If I remember correctly,  a few months prior to hurting my back I was in Personal Training school and putting together my own idea for a fitness bootcamp.  It all came together for me one day with all that writing on gotbootcamp plans I had a business plan.  And I was able to take that and turn it into several contacts with top gyms.  During this whole process - this is where the Spiritual part is important - I didn't value what I had.  I didn't understand it and because other people were asking me questions about how I am going to do xyz - I doubted myself and my gift.

I wound up closing that business when it was still doing well July 2008 and I have never been able to get it back.  It has taken some time for me to just get over it and go on with my new Life Coach business but there are days when I lament; especially when I see fitness businesses that started later than mines having such success.

The important thing about my 1st business and my new business was taking that 1st step.  I took my first step when the doctor told me I would never walk again - so who was I to create and run a fitness bootcamp. I started my 2nd business after I was a victim of domestic violence while being a mental health counselor. Both times it appeared the last thing I should be doing was starting a business.

And that is the beautiful thing about God; He knows when!

Just take the first step and allow Him to show you the rest...

You have a '1st STEP ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16

I have so many scraps of paper.
Journals, short term goals, long term goals, mid way goals.
I've bought domain names and gotten rid of them.
I've created different email names for those websites.

All in the name of my PURPOSE and achieving my GOAL(S).

Some of the things I've created worked and some have not.
Some of the things have been just going down the rabbit hole and keeping me busy.
And then out of nowhere a door I didn't even think about opens.
In the middle of the night I wake up and start writing and the answer to my blockage is there.

Who knows how your PURPOSE is going to manifest?  For so long I chased that.
Until I hit a major road block 2 years ago that set me on my butt.
From that view I saw what I really needed was to know the PURPOSE GIVER!
As long as I invested my time and energy in that relationship everything I AM destined to be will manifest as long as I don't give up.

Today my time is spent doing the things I know for sure to do and continuing my deeper relationship with the PURPOSE GIVER...

You have a 'HARD GOAL(S) REACHING' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Thursday, October 15, 2015

October 15

This spiritual walk is something else.

You have to see the difference between what the HUMAN side of you says is the right process and the SPIRITUAL side says. Rarely can you use your HUMAN self to do anything with your GOAL/PURPOSE. Your body is just the vehicle. Your SPIRIT is the gas.  Depending on what is happening in your life it can be easy to see or impossible or somewhere inbetween.

March 2014 I went to a Holistic Health Expo and stumbled upon a woman who took Aura photos.  I'd recently learned about Auras from watching a movie called In the movie the creator of the movie Jonas Elrod just lost his best friend and it threw him into a tail spin.  On his quest to find out what was happening he went on a spiritual journey and visited several different spiritual minds.  During his journey he was photographed as he sat in a room with an Aura camera.  So here I was getting my picture taken. The Aura Reading was amazing.  It opened my eyes to the Spiritual Realm and it reminded me of my favorite quote:  "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience.  We are Spiritual beings having a human experience".  -  Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. Since then I have been looking at what I perceive as negative as a LESSON. As God showing me what is really going on in my life through my SPIRITUAL glasses instead of my HUMAN.  It has been challenging to say the least.  I will talk more about it on my Radio cast but suffice it to say if I ever wanted to quit it was after seeing my life as a SPIRITUAL being.

With that said; I would not change it for the world.  I am so happy that I am AWAKE now and I know all that God/Universe has for me can never be stopped by anyone but me - only if I quit; not REST.

You have a 'GOALS/SPIRITUAL' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

October 14

For those of you who have gone to college and selected  a major and started the year off being a Freshman you understood at the outset that it would take at least 4 years to achieve your BA or BS.   You didn't go up to the dean of students each day and check and see if you had the correct courses to complete your major.  Why is it now when you have to set a 'long term goal' you check in every 2 minutes and question it at every turn?  It takes time on either side to reach what you want.  And patience.                                                                                                                                                                               – Storm Perry Jackson

Easier said than done; right?

For me it feels like having Patience is giving up.  Like I really don't believe in my PURPOSE.  I used to be so hard core about it.  I had to be "on my GRIND" at all times.  I love the intro to Katt Williams/Rick Ross 'Everyday I'm hustlin'.  And I thought that was how it was supposed to be.  Like I was at war with my PURPOSE.  Like my PURPOSE was against me.  And it's not!  It is not!

I still have those feelings of anxiety when I think my PURPOSE is out of my reach because doors are not opening; connections are not being made - the money isn't flowing.  All of that.

And then what I love about God/Universe He will show me something - just a little positive quote or affirmation that brings things back into perspective.  My PURPOSE is FOR me not AGAINST me. My PURPOSE is out there lining things up for me. In the meantime it is up to me to keep doing what I am doing and stay focused so I will hear the call when it's time.

You have a 'PATIENCE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

October 13

I think this is about never ever giving up no matter what.
To always believe in yourself no matter what.

This has been hard for me to do however; with God's help I keep getting back up - over and over again.  I keep reinventing myself and learning and growing into my PURPOSE.

Again, I feel like I throw myself off track when I believe my PURPOSE has a time limit. Like things have to line up at a certain time and a certain way or else.

As I travel this road of my PURPOSE and I meet different Teachers and even other Students I see more and more that it's just about my getting up daily with the INTENTION - and as long as I do that; it is all that matters.

At the end of the day I am just grateful that I know my PURPOSE.  And that I am willing to walk in it and never ever give up.

You have a 'NEVER GIVE UP/PURPOSE/GOALS' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12


I have been accused of having them; and being so picky about them.
I also count the days.  Like it was 90 days till I graduated from college; x days till the weekend; or payday; or the sun comes up at 7 am.  I go back and look at my daytimer on my phone and see when xyz happened. I do this to keep myself motivated.   To keep myself encouraged.  And to keep myself on track.  I am guilty of being too into my timeline that I get overwhelmed and feel bad.  Like it's never going to happen for me. When those times hit I reach out to a few of my close friends that are familiar with my struggles of being in business for myself and they remind me of the times I fell down and got back up - stronger and more focused.

I am actually in this season now.

I am working on my Life Coach business - this blog is a part of my Life Coach business.
I have a lot of pieces I want to add to my business and I write about them all the time.  I make vision refrigerator boards.  I tape positive affirmations on my bathroom mirror.  I write my short term and long term goals out on pieces of paper and leave them on the counter in my kitchen. I have noticed that putting that pressure on myself stifles my creativity.  I got some good advice last year from Queen Afua; she said to just start from where I was. Use what I have. And I did.  I created a business FB page and took my daily affirmations I created from my 1st business got bootcamp? and added a picture to them.  That was 1 year ago October 3rd 2014. And then I started this blog year 2 on October 4th 2015.  Time passed so quickly and the pressure was less because I was doing something for my business each day.  I also noticed things about myself.  Like I had to post but other things in my life got in the way and at one time I was over 2 months behind on my postings. And even now with the Blog-Ask Storm - I have noticed that I come home and I'm like oops; I can't watch TV or talk on the phone or check my FB because I have to post to my blog. And then I start to panic because I'm like 'what am I going to say'.  And then I remind myself that I am posting daily to my Blog and some kind of way the words come.  And with the words coming it reminds me of the books I dream about writing and the other goals I have for my Storm Jackson Life Coach business.

You have a 'GOALS/TIMELINES' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Sunday, October 11, 2015

October 11

I love how God/Universe works.

I just happen to be in front of the TV trolling through the channels and stopped on TD Jakes.  His message was #secretagentsofchange.  It was a timely message FOR ME.  I have been dealing with back to back issues after I did the Chevy Chase U TURN and got back on my spiritual track.  I thought I was on  point however; thankfully God allows me to meet Spiritual Teachers with messages and I got the message that I was in my own way. That way January 22, 2015.  Fast forward to around Thanksgiving 2015 I felt I was back on my Spiritual Path.  Little did I know that the goal wasn't only getting out my own way so I could get on my Spiritual Path it was also 'now that you are here the REAL FUN BEGINS'.  I am going to save the details for my #SpeakLyfe Blog Radio show however; suffice if to say I am making CHOICES now and not seeing life as POSITIVE or NEGATIVE any longer.  I say any longer loosely because again some days I get it and others I don't.  I am a work in progress and I am owning my stuff.  It's a reason why HYPOCRITES bother me sooooo much; because they are my TEACHERS.  They are my #secretagentsofchange.  LOL.

You have a 'CHOICE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Saturday, October 10, 2015

October 10

Fear and Love can not exist at the same time.
I can go on and on with quotes about Fear.
In my life I have allowed over and over for Fear to rule my life.
I deceived myself that my FEAR was actually LOVE.
I stayed in relationships and friendships and familyships out of FEAR of losing those relationships.
Fast forward to this day and I was given a book about boundaries and in reading that book I discovered that the LOVE I said I had for the people in my life was really just FEAR.  I accepted their control so I would have LOVE.
Now I LOVE myself and set boundaries.  I understand and am still learning that as I set boundaries with people who LOVE themselves they will not be upset about the boundaries because they already have boundaries themselves.  Boundaries are for people who LOVE themselves. Boundaries don't control or seek to control another person. Boundaries express LOVE. Boundaries do not operate in FEAR or out of FEAR.
Of course all of this is a process.
On some days I get it; on other days I run from it.
Process means  you fall down and you get back up. And you keep at it till it becomes your TRUTH.

You have a 'FEAR' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 9

If you can't control your life, how can you expect anyone else to control theirs?  Control starts with 'YOU'. After all that person or situation may never get themselves or itself under control however; if you get yourself under control you will never be controlled again; unless you choose to give your control away.

It is always easier to deceive yourself in thinking that you are controlling a person or a situation.  You focus so much on them or it that you believe you are really doing something.  NOT!
I just grab the mirror now.
Looking in the mirror reminds me that I can only control myself. I have to stay focused on myself and no one else. The answers to my questions always come when I look at myself and work at myself.
The things and people I want in my life are or are not there because God, who I love has said for whatever reason they are or are not supposed to be there. And if I love and serve Him then I have to allow things to take their course.  I can't force them and manipulate them.  And YES! I want to. And YES! it is a struggle to remember the LESSON.  LOL

You have a 'CONTROL ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Thursday, October 8, 2015

October 8

I have heard this several times from people I used to be involved in.
I never really got it.
Of course I am spoiled; that is the way it's supposed to be.
Find someone who loves you and spoils you.   Right? WRONG!
I'll talk about boundaries later on which is where being SPOILED falls into that category.
For today the words FAIR and UNFAIR back then in my mind meant I was owed something.
I was supposed to have something.
The world was supposed to line up and be a certain way - for me.
Now I see it as GROWTH.
Whether LIFE is FAIR or UNFAIR is not the LESSON.
The LESSON to me is how I handle each situation.
Of course I would like to think that if  I work hard that my life is going to be great. I'm going to be this fantastic Life Coach and help myself and my clients.  I'm going to wake up everyday and enjoy walking out my PURPOSE. This may or may not happen or it may be somewhere in between or some mixture -  who knows. What I do know is nothing will ever happen if I am driven and motivated by whether something is FAIR or UNFAIR.  My Life is governed by my belief system.  I am a spiritual being and for me that means any situation I find myself in can only be a LESSON; it can only be a moment for Self-Reflection and Growth.

You have a 'FAIR/UNFAIR ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 7

Sometimes the things you want to change about yourself won't be anything that anyone else would see as an issue. The point is that you see it as something that needs to be changed and that is all that matters.                       – Storm Perry Jackson

Ah yes!

I used to curse like a sailor - well I was in the Navy LOL.
And I loved it.  It felt good to curse and string the words together.
I'd gotten so bad that the guys were telling me to chill out.
I never saw it that way; NEVER.
I enjoyed it and I kept doing it; till one day as I was in this journey of change God explained to me what cursing really meant for me.  It meant I was operating in unbelief.  If I wanted something to be different in my life all I had to do was change it.  Why curse another person out?  It's my life. They have ZERO to do with anything happening in my life. By cursing I was giving up all my power.  

It took some time but eventually I got to the point where if I did curse I called myself on it and reminded myself that I am in control of my life and it is not necessary to CURSE about my life which I believe is a GIFT.  >SMILE, WINK<

You have a 'SELF-REFLECTION ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

October 6

You can't LIVE by another person’s beliefs and truths. For a season that might work but at some point in life you will have to believe for yourself and at that moment you don't want to be found not knowing yourself - who you are and what you stand for.
 – Storm Perry Jackson

Funny I was just talking about this today.

I referenced when I used to run my bootcamp - gotbootcamp? and I encouraged the members to do their own workout. To not be concerned about the person next to you who is doing 50 pushups to your 10.  You have no idea what they have done to achieve 50 push ups. They could be on some banded substance, they can be hyped up on coffee or they could just be having a PR kinda day.  The important thing is you know what you are doing with your life and 10 is where you are at now; and that is enough.

Take that into your job, your family etc.  We each are on our own path and we each have arrived at the place we are by different means.  For me I just want to be who God/Universe says I can be.  I believe that certain doors open for me and me only.  And I have to believe in my PURPOSE and be able to walk it out whether another person believes in my vision or not.

At the end of the day we each were created with a gift; something we can do better than anyone else.  It is up to each of us to spend the time and effort bringing that gift to LIFE.

You have a 'LIVE BY ANOTHER PERSON'S BELIEFS OR TRUTHS ' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

Monday, October 5, 2015

October 5

Most of us think if you had X amount of money; if you had this or that THEN you would do all these glorious things - achieve all your goals.  No you wouldn't.  You are exactly the person now that you would be if you had everything in your favor.   CHARACTER reflects externally however;  it is built internally and you reflect it no matter what you have or don’t have now.  - Storm Perry Jackson                                                                                                                       *****************************************************************

The short and sweet is we all have seen it. People who appear to have everything making poor choices and acting out.  Did what they have now make them act that way or were they that way and what they have now only made it worse?  We all have heard 'you don't have any home training' when these type of people are described.  

Again, like everything else it's a process.  If you neglect working on your inner self then it will demand attention as your external life grows.  You can't grow without your 'inside'.>SMILE<

You have a 'EVERYTHING on the OUTSIDE and LACKING on the INSIDE story you want to share?

Please chime in.


Peace & Love

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 4

We are all on our individual journeys. In our own season moving along on our own timelines.  Just because you meet and perhaps travel with someone during that time doesn't mean their journey, season or timeline becomes yours.  Don't be swayed and directed by another person's path.  This can easily happen if you feel what you are going through is too hard - too much - not fair.  This point is where you need to stay; YOUR COURSE.  This is a signal you are on the 'track of your change',  'on the path of your truth' - being revealed to you.  – Storm Perry Jackson

Have you ever been at this point?

You are going through your stuff and then here comes a person, job, bff etc. that seems like they understand where you are and what you are going through?  At certain times it's ok. We all need that boost.  If you are really about your CHANGE you know when you are using that person to escape your own season.  

I'm guilty.

I have too many stories of how I got off track with a person - usually a new love interest!  And I just knew their vibe was vibing with mines. And then I look up and 2 years or more have just flown by and I am no closer to my spiritual goal than before. I may even at times be what I consider several steps back.  After it is all said and done I can look back and see clearly each turn I took that wasn't mines.

So the question is, how do you know the difference?

For me it's my relationship with God/Universe. The more time I invest in that relationship the easier it is for me to hear what is for me and what is not.  It is still challenging.  I can want something to be 'it' so BAD that I fool myself into believing what isn't there. 

The key thing is when you find yourself off track, STOP.  Go back to where you last remember: your meditation, your alone time, your workout time, your schedule.  Whatever place you see you stopped doing what you usually do that makes you feel whole and on track go back to it.  That is where you will find your LANE.  Jump back on it and keep

You have an 'OUT OF MY LANE' story and want to share?  

Please chime in.

Peace & Love