Friday, September 30, 2016

September 30

I think about some people who help everyone else and never invest the time in themselves.  How they will stay up for hours and hours with another person and won't spend any time with themselves.  This is a way of escape.  You don't have to worry about your own issues if you are invested in someone else.  

As the weekend approaches try to take some time to invest in yourself.  Spend time working on your issues.  Eventually you will see how your life will become more fulfilling. Don't worry about how long the journey will take.  You are worth the time; after all you invest that time and more in other people.  

Have an 'invest in other people' story and want to share?

Chime in.

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Thursday, September 29, 2016

September 29

Oh my!


Negative people. Really what was I going through when I wrote these back to back negative affirmations 12 years ago.

Ok so it's what I said yesterday.
After realizing the negative was challenging me because of my EGO and ID - today I can say I have a choice - we all do - whether to get drawn into and respond to the negative people or situations in our lives.

As I sit today with thoughts of what happened yesterday still in my mind I can chuckle a little today.  It is about CHOICE.  I am choosing to not engage with the negative in my life and stay focused on the positive things I have for my life.

Again the negative is my teacher.

Have a 'negative' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA  #SpiritualSistasRock

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

September 28

Teacher from Kadampa Meditation Center was just teaching on this same subject last night in class. And today it is my own personal lesson.  As I read over the affirmation to write my thoughts I am humbled that the person who appears to be against me is actually my TEACHER.  If I can leave my EGO and ID out of it then I can get my LESSON and grow. Also, I have to get to the point where I TRUST that my Spirit will allow the right things in my life that will encourage me to grow and not harm me.

Everything is a LESSON if you are ready.  You are a Spiritual being and cannot be destroyed, killed etc.  Your physical body can be killed however; you will continue to go on spiritually. The EGO and ID are protecting my human body, mind and emotions.  My Spirit is watching out for my essence - who I am to God.

Today as I see my lesson I am going to focus on my favorite movie - The Matrix 1,2 & 3. Remember how they were jacked in and had 1 life while being jacked in and a real life when they were not?  My human body, emotions, mentality are not real, they are just a conduit for my Spiritual being to experience it's LESSONS and grow.

Have a ' person or people you don't like' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

September 27

Since I have been doing Reiki 1x a week I've gained insight on the part of me that kicks down doors and is so aggressive.  I can hear Katt Williams - Everyday I'm hustlin' rendition from his movie every time I see a goal in front of me.  Way, way back when I had my 1st business I thought that was what I had to do.  Kick down doors, never take no for an answer. It worked too.  I got 2 contracts for my business and I was on a roll.

Fast forward to today.  Yes, that part of me has it's place however; it no longer has a place in my Spiritual journey.  Why?  Because it gets too frantic because the Spirit will never share with my EGO and ID what it is doing. And no matter how aggressive my EGO and ID are they will never convince or place FEAR in the heart of my Spirit to get any answers.  All it will do is cause me to think I'm having a heart attack - LOL! and give me a migraine headache.

I have to trust my Spirit that I will arrive at the right place at the right time.  I no longer care to concern myself with perceived deadlines and what if's.  I value now that I know it is all a Lesson.  I can't be too early or too late for my lesson. The lesson is mines and that is all I need to know.

Have a 'Live instead of Exist' story and want to share?

Chime in.

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Monday, September 26, 2016

September 26

We have all heard when you are sick and tired of being sick and tired then you will change. At this point in my spiritual journey I do agree however; I have seen where I have a habit of thinking and acting a certain way and it seems hard to change.  The desire to change seems like an impossible task when my EGO and ID form an alliance.  They do not want to give their power up and it's an all out fight to stick with my changes.

Through Reiki, Meditation and Yoga I am learning how to not fight back and just be aware of what is going on. Realizing that once I decide to change - change has already begun even if it is not noticeable on the outside.  Spirit will take over and start orchestrating situations that line up with my desire to change behind the scenes. There is nothing that the EGO and the ID can do once Spirit is given permission to take over - unless I take that permission back.  

It is a process and just because you get it wrong on some days does not mean your change has stopped.  As long as you never give up, you will get the desires of your heart.

Have a 'time to change' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA  #SpiritualSistasRock

Sunday, September 25, 2016

September 25

We have all heard 'misery loves company'.
If you stop and take a look you may be able to see where there is a negative situation how some people will jump in and push the negativity to a more intense level.
At that point you have a choice to entertain the negativity or to allow it to pass you by.

I know when I get involved in a negative conversation it's because my issues are staring me in the face and instead of addressing them and working on them I would get upset and jump right in to all the negativity surrounding me. At different times I tried to justify my behavior with saying I was only telling the TRUTH - setting the record straight.  Lies.  I was getting involved in negative situations left and right instead of handling my own issues.  I have to admit it's easier to be involved in negative emotions than to face the emotions that have stunted my mental, spiritual and emotional growth for years.

So today I ask you to take a look at your behavior once you are in the company of a negative person.  See how you feel.  What emotions are going through you? Are you ready to react to the negative situation - put your 2 cents in?

In the end if you don't handle your issues they will continue to repeat themselves in your life - no matter how many times you get involved in other situations. 

Have a 'negative' story and want to share?

Chime in.

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock


Saturday, September 24, 2016

September 24

Whenever I become fixed on why another person is not doing what I think they should do I know to run to my mirror. I have noticed over time if I am facing something difficult in my life that I need to change, amazingly other people start to irritate me.  I find fault in almost everything someone else is doing.  My NEIGHBOR  needs to change.  The PEOPLE AT MY JOB need to change.  All these things I could not possibly have anything to do with on a level that would satisfy my griping.

When I take several steps back and focus on my life I realize that there is something in my life that my spirit is telling me I need to change.  That something is a challenge for me so instead of facing it I start looking outward instead of inward.  

Change starts within.  If I have not invested time in my own life to be better how can I ever expect the people in my NEIGHBORHOOD or the at MY JOB etc. to change.  

It's all a process.  It's about knowing yourself to the point you can reel yourself in when you see that you are going into DODGE mode.  We all have to face our lives at some point. We will continue to repeat the same mistakes until we heal whatever issues there are in our lives.  Just like my NEIGHBOR does.  Just like the people at MY JOB do.  Healing is Healing.  Acknowledging is Acknowledging. Changing is Changing. No matter who the group of people are.

Have a 'wonder why other people are not doing what they are supposed to do' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Friday, September 23, 2016

September 23

Is HATE to strong of  a word?
I did not need this affirmation today.
It's hard to believe sometimes I wrote these affirmations back in 2004/2005.

Ok, I guess what was true back then is true now.
 You caused whatever situation you are in now and you have the answers to fix whatever you don't like.

If you are reading this blog with your EGO then right about now your ID is having a fit.  Remember my belief is that I am a "spiritual being having a human experience" so anything I am involved in was due to my spirit knowing I needed that  lesson.  Depending on how bad you feel right now or how bad your situation is - this may be hard to take in. And that is ok.  Bypass this message and I'll have a new one tomorrow.

For those of you who are ready. Dig in deep. Tap into your spirit and get the LESSON your spirit desires. Your life is meant for so much more than what you have now.  Embrace your truth. Deal with your ISH! and get back to loving, living and laughing.

Have a 'what did I get myself into' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Thursday, September 22, 2016

September 22

It cracks me up when people have so much to say about other peoples situations.  And I fall on the floor when people ask other people about their own situation like that person has some unique insight.  I'm a Life Coach and I help people with their issues, I don't tell them what to do or if their idea is good or not.  We talk it out and then they decide what they want to do.  They have to be empowered to live their own lives or else they will be dependent on me forever - and anyone who knows me knows I'm a tough love person! #Nopasses

There is nothing wrong with talking to people. Nothing wrong with getting other peoples opinions.  There is something wrong whenever you consult with another person about your situation like what you think and feel are not valid.  Like you are such a messed up person.  Spiritual no, no.  Your life is your lesson.  You have to be able to do what you think is best so you can get your lesson. There is something unique in the way you see the world and respond to it.  You will not get your Spiritual growth if you do not participate in the lesson.

I'm going to leave the hypocrites out of this affirmation.  You know I'm still working on that issue.  Me and the private eye - LOL. No serious, hypocrites do burn me up however; that is my LESSON. 1. ensuring I am not one 2. understanding that even the hypocrite has a lesson to learn.

Have a '0% on the outside' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

September 21

Tuesday night during Meditation training class the teacher was imitating how  people act when they say the are so spiritual and enlighten.  It was funny because we all know those people.  I have even been that  person in my early days.  Now I know that being spiritual is not a magic pill.  It does not make your life better or easier.  It only allows you to see how your EGO and your Spiritual being see LIFE and then you have a choice how to handle things.

I believe in blooming where you are at.  Make your life good where you are now.  Do little things that bring joy to your life.  Don't hold out for the BIG Spiritual moment.  Enjoy every moment that you have - that may be all there is.

Have a 'change/little things' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

September 20

I'm trying to remember this affirmation today for myself.
I've been feeling so bad lately.
Since I started doing Reiki; all this junk has been coming up and manifesting physically.  I know it's just ENERGY but man! It sucks.  LOL.

On the real, I am so grateful to even be able to get to this point in my journey.  I started sincerely changing over 20 years ago and never got this far.  I've gotten more breakthroughs in the past few months than I have in the 8 years I thought I was doing something.

I say again, I am so glad that the doors didn't open for my Life Coach business because I would've had to go back and apologize to people and give them their money back.  I was so wrong - so off.  I didn't have a clue.  I am thankful for the closed doors that I cried over because now I see!

So yes, embrace the day no matter what you feel like - something is always happening towards your desire to CHANGE even if it doesn't feel like it;or feel good.

Have a 'yucky feeling  story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Monday, September 19, 2016

September 19

Is there a way to honestly look at yourself so you can see what you need to change?

I believe we are each other's mirrors.

Have you heard of IMAGO Therapy?  This is a type of therapy that is based on an individual attracting to them what they need to change spiritually.  You attract another person to you in a love relationship and that person appears to be your 'soul mate' and then BAM!  That person turns out to trigger all your issues.  At that point you have a choice; stay with that person and work through your issues or leave that person and attract the same type of person to you in another form.  The issue will continue to show up in your life until you submit to it and agree to heal it.

It can seem a daunting task, however; that is where the love comes in to ease the pain while you heal.

I use this type of therapy to help me as I transition.  I also have good people around me who remind me of my desire to change and are not scared of the EGO front I put up when an issue becomes too hard.

In the end work on whatever issues you can see, eventually, you may get the strength and courage to ask those closest to you what they think you issues are.

Painful but necessary process.

Have a 'change' story and want to share?

Chime in.

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Sunday, September 18, 2016

September 18

This is a challenging issue.

How do you accept what happens to you no matter what?
How do you accept the unacceptable?

During your spiritual practice try to embrace that being spiritual does not mean you have control over yourself at all times and you never have control over another person.

Embrace the moment that you are in and find value in it.

Now is all you have.

Have an 'up/down day' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Saturday, September 17, 2016

September 17

It is hard for me to take in if I want to do something I CAN.
And if I don't think I can do something, I CAN'T.

Those words are so simple to say - to put in action is another thing.

It is all a process.

I believe I CAN do anything in my Spiritual destiny, however; my EGO challenges my spirit and that's when I believe I CAN'T do as my spirit directs me.

This week I have been observing my EGO and realizing when it doesn't see where my spirit is taking me then it panics.  It starts the negative self-talk in my mind and I start to question what I am seeing and feeling.  It is useless to fight my EGO it only gets stronger.  I choose to be aware of my EGO and not follow it's lead; that is when more of my I CAN'T's become I CAN.

Have a can/can't story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16

Yes, you are a Spiritual being however; it is still a journey to walk in it.

It may be easier to not be attached to negative/down days than positive/up days.  What could be wrong with being attached to good? The good days are not promised, and you have no control over what happens to you.

Balance and accepting in all things as they come.  How you are able to handle what goes on in your life internally is the key.

Have a 'up/down' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

 #SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpritualSistasRock

Thursday, September 15, 2016

September 15

Do you ever wonder why it's easier to work on your physical body than the part(s) of you that really need to be worked on?  Why it's so easy to see what someone else's issues are and have solutions to them, than your own?

Remember Michael Jackson's song 'Man in the Mirror'?

Today's affirmation is all the above and then some.

You have to work on your whole self to be able to deal with anything outside yourself.  There is a mental, spiritual and emotion component to who you are and why you make the choices you do. You can ignore it all you want however; at some point in time it will come back to haunt you.

Invest in your whole self and you never have to worry about your physical being again.  You will be able to determine what is necessary and what is not for your life going forward.  You will be able to notice the voids you are trying to fill and address them prior to them having a physical manifestation.

At the end of the day, you are worth that investment.

Have an 'outside/inside' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

September 14

If we all take a few minutes I know we can think of several  people who are strong and positive however; their situation will never change. Diagnosed with terminal cancer. A child or Mother died and left the Father alone.  A car wreck that killed the children but not the parents.  Downsized from a job you've had for years right before your retirement and left with no pension. Tragic accident where you should have died but lived however; you can't move from the neck down. Wife or Husband steals all the savings and didn't pay the bills, now you have to file bankruptcy and leave your home.

These are just some of the issues strong/positive people face and you would never know their hurt, pain and sorrow by the way they carry their themselves.  Not denying what has happened/happening to them; accepting the TRUTH and choosing to still believe in their Spiritual journey.

And that's what it's all about.

Your life is not promised to be wonderful, fair and fulfilling.  You made the decision to change which only changes how you see your life- it doesn't always change the outcome of your situation. Sure, we all want to be healthy, wealthy and free to flit through life whatever way we want.  It may happen or it may not.  It may happen in part or it may not.

Either way the CHOICE is yours.

Have a story about your CHOICE?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 13

How many times have I been here.
Especially after my recent move - 6 months ago - to Atlanta.
Even early this morning as I reviewed my budget I wondered if I made a mistake.

I can lie however; what purpose would it serve?
This Spiritual quest - by choice at that - gives me a run for my money.
Yes, I am a Life Coach. I have my BS in Psychology with Specialization in Life Coaching.  I have worked as a Case manager for the homeless and a Counselor at a Drug and Alcohol residential treatment center.  Still I am so heavily challenged sometimes I wonder should I hang up my shingle and go back into the Matrix for my piece of steak and promise of wealth.

I know I will not quit, from what I have seen so far these times never get easier however; they bring me closer and closer to my real self - what I really think and believe.  Spirit wants me to know it along with knowing myself; this is my journey and it is worth it to me.

Have a 'give up' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock


Monday, September 12, 2016

September 12

The most disheartening thing I learned while going through one of my many transitions was life still sucked at times!  I am not sure where I got the thought that once I changed - became better - lived better,  my life would magically be better. I changed for myself however; in the back of my mind I daydreamed about my relationships with family, friends etc.  being better once my change was complete.


If anything everything became worse.  I was even more hurt and lost than before.  My new insight to how I needed to walk differently in this world caused more problems from people who did not understand me and even those who condemned me to hell or thought I was being possessed by the devil.  I had no explanation for my transition other than I believed the ONE who created me was speaking to me and directing my path.

I have lost exact dates after so many years however; I do know I was living in Baltimore Maryland when I first heard the ONE speak to me in my given name and tell me "that is enough".  It scared me out of my wits and I looked around to see where that voice came from.  I never discovered where however; I knew it was time for me to go a different direction.  That had to be the early 90's.  My life still sucked and I doubt if anyone could see anything about me that was different.  I knew I was different and I knew I desired to change I just didn't know how to do a 360.

Now as I continue to change and understand change is a process; I no longer look for anything outside of myself to be better.  I am better on the inside and because I am better on the inside I see and am aware of things in a different way.  I am able to tap in to the ONE when I am confused or disheartened and the ONE restores my peace and centers me again.

It's a process.  No quick easy fix.  No promises of Nirvana nor health, wealth or love.


Have an 'up and down' story and want to share?

Chime in!

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Sunday, September 11, 2016

September 11

This is America.

Whether you like it or not AMERICA allows you to disagree with it and your neighbor to disagree with it.

In addition there are other people/countries that disagree with AMERICA and fight against it.

For me we are all HUMANS.

My rights do not overshadow another individuals rights whether I agree or disagree.  I value my right to agree or disagree with my neighbor.  I do not want to take away my neighbors right to have their opinion for in doing so I wave the right to my opinion.  I am a Veteran. I see the fallout of war at an intimate level and still I value each persons right to their opinion.

Today as we reflect, add growth of your Spirit to that reflection and see what you are able to learn about yourself.

Have a '9/11' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Saturday, September 10, 2016

September 10


Back up.

Ever since my Reiki sessions I've had all these emotions and then some.

They've made me question my Spiritual journey.

Do I really want to change?  Will it be worth it in the end?

I know the answer in my heart is YES!

I am a Spiritual Being and my desire is to walk that path.

So I guess today I'll be reflecting on my own words.....written over 12 years ago.  LOL

Have a 'feelings' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9

It took me a while to learn that there is a difference between 'being lonely' and being alone.
For the longest time I would not fulfill any of my spiritual quests until I had someone beside me - whether that was Family, Friend or love interest.  I spent years in limbo because I didn't want to be alone.  I could not handle feeling lonely.

Fast forward 20 years or so and today I am alone during my journey at times however; I am not lonely.  I have several #SpiritualSistasRock who either attend Meditation, Yoga or spiritual walks and bike rides with me.  Even with these Sisters they don't always attend the same events that I do.  And that is ok with me.  
Yes, I do feel the difference in attending Yoga or Meditation class when they are not there; however; I am able to get into my practice knowing that yes, I am alone - not lonely.  

I encourage you to begin/continue your journey whether you have anyone with you or not.  I started my journey here in Atlanta alone however; after a few weeks I met some wonderful people - including teachers.

Have an 'alone journey' story and want to share?

Chime in. 

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September 8

Today's affirmation is easier said than done.

I was lamenting this yesterday afternoon.

I could not accept that I made a mistake and I felt like I'd thrown myself off my spiritual path.
No matter what I could not 'self-talk' my way back to TRUTH.

Again, the HUMAN part of me - which is necessary - feels out of sort when it cannot predict or control what my SPIRITUAL side is doing.  It gets anxious and demands answers.  Answers meaning - my mind just keeps running; thinking of one scenario after the other with increasing negativity.

Finally, my work day was over and it was time for me to head to Yoga.
During class my mind kept wandering and I fell out  my asanas over and over again.
At the end of class as I walking to my car,  the feeling of dread was still there however; this time I was able to see where in the past I would have gone straight to the fast food place; gotten dinner and desert, then went home to lay in the bed and watch TV - only to feel  guilty afterwards.

In hindsight maybe the anxiousness I  felt was the LESSON.

Spirit wanted me to see my growth.  : )

Have a 'slip, trip and fall season' story?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

September 7

I was just discussing this same affirmation with  friend.

We were talking about how do you know when it's spiritual intuition and not the pizza. (LOL).

At the end of the day there is no perfect answer.

All you can do is walk the path you believe you should; when you find out new information be fluid enough to change.  The ID/Ego has no place in your spiritual journey.

My belief is that the ONE who created me is just looking for me to be willing...the rest will come.

As I write now in my blog I can see where maybe being uncertain if it's the spirit or pizza can be a good thing.  It keeps me humble. After all my Life Coach business is a GIFT and the Human/ID/Ego getting flustered from time to time reminds me that my GIFT is backed by the ONE - not the other way around.

Have a 'step by step' story and want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

September 6

Nothing good comes from looking back or going back.

We all know that.

I love the Spiritual awareness I have now however; at times it is so tough to remember that I am a Spiritual Being.  During those times I dream about the past; talk endlessly about the past and even in those weak moments as I devour my Blizzard from Dairy Queen, wish I could go back.

All of this is normal.

There is no enlighten person who is able to NOT desire the past - long for those days.

It is all a part of the process.

So instead of lamenting  - embrace it.

Allow those feelings, memories and emotions to come - pay no more attention to them than any other thought you have.

It will pass.

You will continue your journey as you were predestined to do.

Have any 'past' story you want to share?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Monday, September 5, 2016

September 5


With all the changing you have been doing, it may at times feel overwhelming.

It's ok to take time and think about your past, present and future.

Your Past as your Teacher, Present as your NOW and your Future as your HEARTS DESIRE.

Want to 'reminiscence about your change'? 

Chime in.

 Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Sunday, September 4, 2016

September 4

Today's affirmation really hits home for me.
I have been doing meditation for the past few months and have had Reiki done on me 3 times in the past few months with the last 2 sessions being just last week.

Those of you who are familiar with Reiki know how powerful it is and how you will detox not only with a physical manifestation but also with people, places and things.  On the surface this looks ok.  Like yes, I want to change so what is the big deal?

Have you considered the people you may no longer have in your life for this season, or ever again?  Right now, think about someone who is close to you physically however; spiritually and where you are trying to go - they just don't get it. And sometime they can speak out of negativity and/or fear in wanting the best for you.  What about close friends who no longer understand you. They don't want to come with you to Yoga, Meditation or Reiki sessions and/or workshops. They want to continue to do the old things you used to do that now leave you empty.

Today I want to encourage you to take a look at your current relationships or even the ones you want to repair.  See if they line up with who and what you are trying to become now.  As you understand what CHANGE may mean to these relationships get your support system together - you are going to need it.

In the end Spiritual transition is a personal journey; for your heart is bringing you your desires.

Have a 'CHANGE' story and want to share?

Please, chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA  #SpiritualSistasRock

Saturday, September 3, 2016

September 3

At first I was blown when I saw all the damage done by my decision to change.  I thought yes! I've changed my life is going to get better and it TANKED.  I lost friends, family, jobs.  People seemed to shun me.  The things that used to bring me happiness didn't.  The foods I used to eat tasted bland in my mouth.  My usual outgoing social butterfly disposition saw the world as grey.

Today I realize that prior to changing I was a human having spiritual experiences.  My decision to change started to change my vibration and my filter became "spiritual being having a human experience."  On the surface it seems like just changing around a few words.  Once you get in it you see how you have set up your whole life according to what your human self needed.  Driven off Ego, Fear, being self-centered and the list goes on.

Take a look at what you are going through now using the filter of what your Spirit desires for you instead of your Human side and see if that loneliness,hurt and pain from perceived loss now turns into JOY!

Have a 'change and losing everything and everyone' story?

Chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA 

Friday, September 2, 2016

September 2

Time flies when you are having fun....
And drags when you decide to not only decide to live your life as a spiritual being; you also commit  yourself to it.
Along with your awareness being increased you can also expect people to leave you because they don't understand what you are doing. Fear will run family, friends, co-workers etc. away.
During this time it will seem so easy to go back to how you were before.
Like in the movie Matrix, Neo wanted to get out the car; and Trinity told him he didn't want to do that because why???

You have already been down that road many many times.

Take a chance on yourself.

Believe in what your spirit is telling you.

This time look past the naysayers and your own doubt.

Believe in the relationship you have cultivated with your spiritual self....

And go for it!

Do you have a 'change - minute seems like hour' story and want to share?

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA

Thursday, September 1, 2016

September 1

I remember it clearly; it was December 2010 and Iyanla Vanzant had published Peace from Broken Pieces and I took my last little bit of money and purchased the book.  I read it in one day.  The take away from that book was yes! even with my flaws/weaknesses/unresolved issues I still had a PURPOSE/GIFT and could still walk in my PURPOSE even as I healed from those issues and discovered new ones.

I was so grateful to discover that because I was languishing believing I was too messed up; had made too many mistakes and poor decisions for me to ever walk in my PURPOSE/GIFT as a  Life Coach.

So today,  I challenge you to take a good look at yourself in the mirror and see what your weakness(es) is/are and start the journey to heal it/them.  You may need someone close to you who you can trust to help you see your real weakness(es) and not just the ones that are easy to face and heal.

At the end of the day it will be well worth it.

You will discover your TRUE SELF.  #Healyourself1st or at least start the journey.

Do you have a 'Weakness(es) story and want to share?

Please chime in.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA