Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November 2 - We're moving...

I'd like to announce we are moving our blog to YouTube.

I have been thinking about it for a few weeks. As I struggle to explain the spiritual experiences I have been having in my Blog; YouTube has been looking more and more appealing.

So I will log off tonight.
Please continue to enjoy past blogs and go over to FB and enjoy there too.

We will let everyone know our new channel.

Till then remember you are "a Spiritual being having a human experience...".

Peace & Love

PS - I will still write. Look for my upcoming book in 2017.

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

November 1 - Frazzled, the state of our human side during spiritual awakening

Your human self is not supposed to know what your spiritual self is doing. It will warn you like the robot in the TV show Lost in and Space.  It will distract you by emotional eating.  It will pull on your heart strings and have you helping people and breaking all the boundary rules by attacking your emotions and have you believing something that isn't true nor your business.  It will feel like you are trying to step across the Grand Canyon without a rope bridge.

The human side of you is trying to save it's life. It will never know what your spiritual self is up to; not even if you tell it or give it clues. The human part of you can not even comprehend what your spirit is planning for your life.  That is why it is frazzled. And being frazzled it is controlling the only part of you that it can - your physical self.  You have to give it permission to control your mind and emotions.

It is not easy when you feel frazzled to get unfrazzled.

That is not the goal.  The goal is once you become aware do something to bring yourself back to the present - back to NOW. The only place your human self can not instantly access.

It is all a process.

Be kind to yourself.

Enjoy your journey.

I am.  :)

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Monday, October 31, 2016

October 31 - Remember 2 Remember - Notes to self

It's easy to get caught up on: Crystals, Tarot Cards, Reiki, Angel Numbers, Aromatherapy, Spiritual Guides etc. After all those things make you feel good when you get a glimpse of what your life could be as a Spiritual being.  

Remember this is your journey, you want to know that your PURPOSE is yours.  You want to believe in your PURPOSE and not feel like it was because of some type of push - spiritual or human.

Your life was only meant for you.
To investigate, explore make mistakes. Fall down. Get back up.

There is no perfect way for you to live your life.
There is only the LESSON.
Always the LESSON.

Once you are AWARE the doors for you will open. And they will lead you only to where your spirit created you to be.

Remember 2 Remember. All those things are just 'Notes to self'

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe  #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Sunday, October 30, 2016

October 30 - Writers block during emotional transition - Reiki, Yoga and Meditation to the rescue

I was thinking back to how I had writers block for so long.
Nothing could bring me out of it.
I dreaded having to post each day. And sometimes would wait till it was almost 12 am to post and then rush and put down something.
I could not understand why I could write for pages and pages in my journal but when it came time to blog - nothing.  LOL.

Those of you following me know that I have been getting more and more immersed in my spiritual journey. While getting physically ill often as my low energy processed it's way out of my body, my writing started to come back.  I first started writing on my 30 minute lunch break as I stayed late to make up sick time.  From there once I was done making up time I noticed during my normal 1 hour lunch break I was able to blog and post to Instagram and I was really enjoying it.  Now I get ideas for almost the whole week for my blog and I write myself little notes on what to say once the day comes.  I have noticed during the 10 days I was deep in a situation that the struggle returned however; I was able to push through more easily.

I'm still learning about low energy and higher energy.  What it looks like when it manifest into the physical realm.  Now I know that it impacts my gifts and if I continue my spiritual study more gifts reveal themselves.

It's no over night solution however; once the breakthrough comes its more than worth it.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Saturday, October 29, 2016

October 29 - Trust you know the voice of your creator

I'm asking you to go on a visual journey with me.
For those of you who have a good relationship with your Mother, Father or Guardian, imagine them. For those of you who your Pet is your heart, imagine them in this exercise.

Now visualize a gym filled with whoever you selected above.
In your minds eye multiply that person till the whole gym is filled with them.  See them as close to identical as possible.  Make it so only their fingerprints or paw pads are different.

Now visualize yourself walking into that gym filled with the love one you selected above and they are calling your name. All at the same time.

Now in a sea of identical loved ones see yourself going to the original.

My point today is, you knew who they were. It did not matter that their carbon copy was right there.  It did not matter that their tone of voice was the same.  All that matter is your name was called and you went to the Original the 1st time.  You innately knew which was your loved one regardless of what your eyes, ears & nose told you.

Now, once you are done with  your visualization try to apply that same theory to your spiritual relationship.

There is absolutely no way you would not know the one who created you.

You do not need anyone to tell you who that is. You do not need anyone to point out who created you.    You do not need anyone to show you what you need to do to be in the presence of the one who created you; to find out what your PURPOSE is and how to obtain it.

You innately know!

Trust that knowing - it will be your guiding light.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Friday, October 28, 2016

October 28 - Wisdom in Spirituality

There is an awesome book:  Loving What Is by Byron Katie.

I have been reading and referring back to her book for several years.  It goes along with the phrase 'It is what it is'.  Accepting the unacceptable.

During the last 10 days it was really challenging for me to remind myself that this is the only way I could truly walk out my spirituality.  When I was in the thick of things my human self refused to accept the unacceptable - my spirit kept quietly reminding me.  In the end my spirit won out. What would be the use of building my spirit on a 'Santa Claus' base?  Like if I just did enough yoga, Reiki or meditation then what I was facing would magically go away.  If I just made my OM sound right. If I just held my asana...

I am grateful for the last 10 days.  It has been hard to accept yet it has been a confirmation for what I ultimately want for my life.  Being spiritual does not move me out of or keep me from heart ache and trouble.  What is does is allow me to see the Lesson for my journey and gain insight and wisdom to my overall purpose.  There is no hiding place for me in spirituality.  There is no safe harbor, no safe place where I will be untouched by LIFE.

There is a peacefulness that has entered my life.  During the last 10 days I felt like just curling up in my bed; eating my favorite chocolate chip cookies and milk and just dropping out of all the spiritual life I have been building.  I felt like it however; spirit kept urging me to keep going and I'm glad I did.

Now on the other side of that one lesson I am clearer about my PURPOSE and I see the determination of my spirit to GROW me from where I was to where I am now. To open my AWARENESS so I can see a bigger picture for my life and where I fit in the whole scheme of humanity.

Of course the lesson is important for my own growth first; and 2nd it makes me a better LIGHTWORKER/Energy Healer for my clients.  In the end my life may never be what I think it should be and I'm able to pass that on to my clients. My life is: what a "spiritual being having a human experience" life should be.  And for that I am universally grateful.  

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock

Thursday, October 27, 2016

October 27 - Perceived Evil in your spiritual practice/personal space

I learned a great lesson over the past few weeks.

I was in the same place as a person who initially scared me.  I know about devils and stuff like that from the type of background I grew up in.  As I got older I never agreed with treating a person who was spiritually wounded like they were evil or possessed by the devil. It has been a long while since I even thought in terms like that. Every now and then when I am really stressed during the day I will have a scary dream. But that was just a dream.

In this situation I was in a spiritual session and this perceived evil came in my spiritual area.  I was so shocked. And even after the session ended,  the person was still there for days with the feeling like that person was inside of me at times or they were watching me.  I could not get rid of that person. When that person showed up again this time I went in on them.  I was saying all types of things to them in my minds eye. I was reading them the riot act.

And then Spirit stopped me and started asking me to ask questions.
Why was that person able to access me on the levels that was upsetting me?
Was it really evil?  Wasn't I the one who didn't believe in that?

From there I started feeling compassion again and that was when I realized the person was just hurting. And yes, they were choosing to represent themselves as - low energy - however; it was a choice and in a choice you can choose something else. That was their lesson.

 Mines was to be reminded to stay aware while I am in the spiritual realm.  I need to stay aware - ground myself; shield myself. Of course its ok to have a knee jerk reaction; I'm still human. At the same time this is my gift; just like that person was using their gift.  In my life this time I want to stay open to low enery people who for whatever reason show up at a higher energy level session.  My energy is not allowed to over power theirs and theirs is not allowed to over power mines.  We are both spiritual beings seeking.

With that in mind; going forward I can have compassion, empathy and concern for people who are hurting and decide this is the only way to express themselves.

I'll just be grounded/shielded.

Peace & Love

#SpeakLyfe   #SpiritualPSA   #SpiritualSistasRock